Legacy (Blackwater Pack #3) - Hannah McBride Page 0,53

because the teenager in me wanted a few years of Skye to myself before I had to share her any more than I already did.

“So you guys think we should build another house here? For me and Skye?” I frowned, staring at the map.

“Actually, we want to build a few houses in that piece of property. Five, probably.” Katy gave me a big smile.

“Five? Why the hell do I need five houses?” I looked at her like she was crazy, which she damn well could’ve been.

“Maybe like 3 houses and two buildings,” Ryder added, rubbing his jaw as he looked down at the map.

Katy whirled, her red hair flying as she turned to him. “Oh! Like a separate building for—”

“—Exactly,” he cut her off with a nod.

“And we could still do the tunnel,” Larkin added, leaning in.

“Time out,” I called over them, slapping a hand in the middle of the map.

They all looked up, almost surprised I was still standing there.

I barely held in a laugh at their confused expressions. “What the hell are you guys talking about?”

“We think it might be a good idea to create a building just for pack officers,” Katy explained. “Like a town council or something.”

I frowned. “And you want to do that with tunnels?”

Larkin took a deep breath, her excitement obvious. “We thought it would be a good idea to connect the Alpha house to the building for the council with a tunnel. Some kind of passage so you can move easily between buildings.”

“But not in the house,” Katy pointed out. “We think moving the Alpha’s office outside of the house is a good idea. Plus, we can add offices for multiple betas.”

“Which you would have,” Ryder chimed in.

“What he said.” Katy nodded affirmatively at him. “You’ll have a council of betas, like Dad. Each can have their own space to come to work. We can also set up a conference room so meetings are held in the basement of your residence, and even an industrial kitchen so meals could be catered if we have outside packs visiting.”

“It makes sense to have your beta close.” Ryder grabbed a pencil and marked an ‘X’. “If your house is here,” he said, pointing to the mark, “we can build a house next to it for your beta.” He drew another ‘X’ beside it.

“Or not,” Larkin said quickly, stepping back. “This isn’t me angling for a new house or something.”

I hid a smile by ducking my head. Larkin was the most selfless person I knew, but it was adorable watching her simultaneously tell us she would live wherever Rhodes was while still trying to be sweet and giving.

Skye would love having Larkin next door.

“We could build a couple houses,” Katy said, meeting my eyes across the table hesitantly.

I rubbed the back of my neck. “If I’m there, I want you there, Katy.” I met her gaze and held it. “You and Maren.”

Her lips thinned and her hands trembled before she splayed them flat on the table. I watched the tears fill in her eyes for a second before she blinked them back.

“You, too,” I added, looking at Ryder.

“Thanks, man,” he replied. He shifted on his feet. “Honestly, it’s something Dante, Tate, and I will have to work out. Tate loves the ridge, but without Luke there, who knows? My parents want to stay here. Dante’s parents are undecided.”

“You guys have a home here as long as you want, whenever you want,” I told him, meaning every damn word. “And a place on my council.”

“Thanks.” He gave me a small smile and then turned back to the map. “I can talk to the foreman about drawing up plans.”

“I like the idea,” I admitted, my eyes dropping to the ‘X’ that might be my house. “But I’m not doing anything without Skye’s input first.”

“Have you heard from her any more?” Larkin questioned, her big eyes round with concern.

I shook my head. “No, but it’s really early morning where she is, so I won’t hear anything until she wakes up.”

“Remind her that a one minute video chat this morning doesn’t count as enough time,” Katy ordered me sternly. “I better see her face soon or I’m going to put out open interviews for a new best friend.”

“You got to talk to her today?” Larkin demanded, her worry vanishing as she spun to glare at Katy. “We agreed to share phone time with her no matter when she called. Equal bestie time, remember?”

“Technically she called Remy,” Katy quickly clarified. “I was

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