Legacy (Blackwater Pack #3) - Hannah McBride Page 0,50

going to leave our pack for a talk. Setting up a video conference was the only option, and Michael insisted I needed to be sitting in the Alpha’s office when this conversation happened.

Kincade hadn’t been at the Summit since he was mourning the death of his mate, who had died weeks earlier. His son had gone to represent their pack.

Griffin had found his body after we left.

I logged into the video conference and waited for him to join me as Michael went back to his office to make more calls.

When his face filled the screen, I inwardly winced. The man was dressed in a suit, and I was in a black t-shirt and jeans.

“Alpha,” I greeted, hoping he didn’t comment on my lack of formal attire. “Thank you for joining me. My condolences on the loss of your mate and your son.”

Kincade looked like he was on his last legs himself. Shifters aged slower and lived longer than humans, but this man looked every second of his ninety years. He was pale, almost withdrawn. Rumor had it, he planned to step down as Alpha after the Summit, ceding the pack to his heir.

“Thank you,” he replied stiffly, adjusting his tie. “I was told that you had a proposition that might be of use to me?”

“We would like for you to consider allying with us against Norwood,” I said plainly.

“And this benefits my pack how?”

Did I really have to spell it out for him?

“Norwood is responsible for the bombing that killed your son, and they’re allies with Long Mesa,” I replied evenly.

His eyes narrowed. “You’re practically a child yourself, Alpha, but surely even you know of the history my pack has with Long Mesa?”

I resisted the urge to growl at being called a child.

“Yes,” I grit out instead, not willing to tank this meeting because he insulted my pride a smidge.

Not yet, anyway.

“Then you also know the source of that tension was caused when Adalynne Markham violated the marriage treaty between our packs. She insulted my pack, my family, and especially my son.” His lip curled in disgust. “And you now offer safe harbor and sanctuary for the one who committed such crimes against my pack.”

“Adalynne Markham was bonded,” I pointed out evenly. “A bonded pair supersedes any marriage contract. You know that.”

“And where exactly was her mate?” he demanded. “No mate was ever seen. She was unmated and unbonded when she was found to be impure and with a bastard in her belly.”

A growl rumbled out of me before I could censor myself.

“That bastard is my mate,” I informed him coldly. And was he really making a big fucking deal that Addie hadn’t been a virgin? Even if she hadn’t been pregnant, the fact that she had slept with someone else was a big deal?

His gaze flickered off screen for a moment. “I did hear that you had bonded. Congratulations.”

I tried not to roll my eyes. He sounded really freaking happy about it.

“Thank you,” I clipped out.

Kincade eyed me for a moment before taking a deep breath. “I am willing to acknowledge that my pack is … in a less than ideal position right now. I have seen what Norwood is doing, and any friend of Long Mesa is an enemy of mine.”

“We have that in common,” I admitted, my shoulders relaxing from where my muscles had bunched up.

Kincade steepled his fingers thoughtfully. “The whole reason we sought out and agreed to the marriage contract was so we had a binding tie between the packs. It’s an old tradition that the younger generations seem to have forgotten.”

“Most people want to marry for love, not obligation,” I muttered.

“But it is that obligation that can forge a lasting alliance,” he countered with a small smile. “I find myself at a crossroads, young Alpha.”

Somehow I had a feeling his crossroads were about to become my problem.

I waited for him to continue.

“My grandson is barely nineteen. He was to be his father’s heir, and now possibly mine. On the other hand, my son’s beta is older, wiser, and could likely make a challenge that will see him as our new Alpha.” His smile twisted into a bitter grimace. “I am an old man. I would see my pack protected before I am no longer able to serve them.”

“And how can my pack help with that?” I asked, my eyes narrowed.

“I already told you. A marriage contract is the easiest way to secure a lasting alliance.”

My brows lifted as shock rippled through my system. “And

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