Left for Wild - Harloe Rae Page 0,98

Great, actually. What’s wrong, sweetheart? Aren’t you happy?”

“I am, but this somehow feels like an inconvenience for you. Or very poor timing. You haven’t even had a taste of freedom and I’m dropping a load of responsibility in your lap. What you’re already dealing with is hectic enough.”

The ease in my muscles evaporates, transforming into taut strain as I remain frozen in place. “And what is it that I’m dealing with exactly? Trying to hunt down the girl I’m crazy about who happened to be hoarding some big fucking news?”

Her expression pinches tighter. “I wasn’t planning to hide this from you. Just delaying ever so slightly.”

“Tell me why.”

“Well, I wasn’t going to send this in a text. Calling to say something ridiculous about you knocking me up wasn’t going to cut it either. You just got out of prison. Then we were abducted. They stuck you on house arrest. Ugh, this shouldn’t be a burden.”

I’m sure the look on my face is worse than if she slapped me. The sting sure as shit feels like it. Hurt reflects off the burn and plummets straight to my bruised heart. “Our child is the furthest thing from that. Do you think so little of me?”

Blakely lunges at me, practically sitting in my lap. She holds my cheeks hostage between her palms. “No! Never. I’m sorry. This is getting twisted. Please don’t think I’d ever treat this baby as less than a blessing. It’s been a lot for me to absorb. I just found out an hour ago. Does that give me an excuse to be a mess? I should’ve blurted it out when you walked in.”

I relax against her in relief, allowing us to sag into my seat. “It’s okay. I understand. Emotions are high. I’m so damn glad we’re together for this.”

Her trembling lips press against mine. “Me, too. So very much.”

I grip her hands, that electric current zapping between us recharging me. She gazes at me from under hooded lids. The smile I give her wobbles at the edges. “I love you, Blakely.”

She sniffs. “You do?”

With a quick swipe of my lips, I kiss the tear streaking toward her jaw. “Of course, sweetheart. Pretty sure I’ve loved you since that first stolen glance. Getting left in the wild with you was a reward. I don’t have much, but what I do have is yours.”

“All I need is your heart.”

“It only beats for you.” I place her hand on my chest.

Blakely nuzzles into the crook of my neck. “I love you so much, Halder.”

The thumping in my veins vibrates through both of us. “Thank Christ for that, because I can’t stand being apart from you. Promise me that we’ll be together from now on.”

She’s nodding against me, the moisture from her tears sticking to my throat. “Nothing would make me feel more complete.”

“Well, maybe one thing.” I settle my hand flat on her abdomen.

Blakely straightens enough to face me. “A little piece of us.”

“I couldn’t ask for a better gift.”

“Surprises seem to be our thing.”

A long exhale releases the tap on any leftover tension in my frame. “This is by far the best shock of my life. I’ve been getting lucky lately.”

She places a gentle kiss on the corner of my mouth. “This baby news stole the show. You’ve been dealing with other life altering issues. How are you feeling? Has your name been cleared yet? Is there still a threat to your safety? Do you need to worry about the evil doers plotting a scheme from prison?”

Her fumbling questions make my grin brighten to megawatt levels. “No, that’s all been taken care of. I’ve been motivated by revenge since Stefano sent me to prison. These last two weeks, I’ve been drifting. I won’t lie and tell you all of my troubles suddenly vanished. There were years of animosity and hate simmering below the surface. Those are problems I needed to find a new outlet for. I had to find meaning again. Soul searching is a bit challenging when trapped in a room alone, but you still found me. Just hearing your voice grounds me. You’re my purpose. It all comes back to you. I don’t need vengeance or retaliation. All of that seems pitiful now. Just something I clung to in the shadows. You’ve brought me into the light. And now, the miracle we’ve been given. Thank you for giving me purpose, sweetheart.”

She wipes under her eyes. “Damn, Halder. You should write for Hallmark. That was poetic.”

“You bring out the

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