Left for Wild - Harloe Rae Page 0,71

fade. I slump against our makeshift bed, air sawing in and out of my lungs at an unsteady rate.

“Holy shit,” she pants.

I smirk at her dirty mouth. Blakely doesn’t curse often. “Must’ve been good, huh?”

“You blew my mind, Halder.”

“That’s one hell of a compliment.”

She pats my damp chest. “You deserve it, big guy. Having the optimal equipment is worthless without the knowledge on how to use it. That tool of yours is in very capable hands.”

I toy with a few strands of her damp hair. “Perhaps it’s all thanks to finding a compatible partner. This is a sport for doubles, right?”

“That has a very sexy ring to it,” she mumbles into my skin.

“Playing solo isn’t nearly as much fun.”

Blakely giggles. “It most certainly isn’t.”

“I’ll never settle for less than you, Lee. If you’ll have me.” I press my mouth to the crown of her head.

A yawn squeaks past her succulent lips. “Give me ten minutes. I might need to rest after all. You took a lot out of me.”

“Are you okay?”

“I can honestly say I’ve never been better.”

“For real?” I don’t believe that, even with her sprawling across me like a limp noodle.

She snorts. “Heck, yes. I wouldn’t waste extra breath right now to stroke your ego unless it was a top priority.”

I trace a finger down the notches of her spine. A burst of pride takes a wrecking ball to the stack of evil fighting against me. “Well, I appreciate the added effort.”

“Nice moves, by the way. I’ve never been a multiple-orgasm type of girl.”

“Hmm, good to know.” I pinch her ass, adding a gentle caress to ease to sting. “I think we’ll agree that you’re one now.”

“No complaints from me, boss.” Her eyelids grow heavier, matching the exhaustion weighing down my limbs. That first round was far from a marathon, but I’m fucking spent.

As I let my eyelids drift shut, the voice of reason drones over the white noise. We might be stuck in the Canadian wilderness against our will. That’s beyond our control and not a concern at this moment. All that matters is our paths aiming exactly where we’re meant to lead.

Survival tip #23: Positivity will grant more than a good mood.

A streak of light stabs into the rainbow kaleidoscope of my dream. I mutter a grumbled rebuttal against the harsh rays of reality trying to seep in. Fringes of my imagination try to grasp what remains of the figment. Bursts of motion tick on repeat behind my sealed lids. It comes as no surprise that each vibrant snippet features Halder.

Mere moments pass, leaving those wisps to float away with another reflective shimmer from the horizon. High above the mouth of our newfound dwelling, a bright day is preparing to begin. I crack an eye open, squinting against the harsh glare. The break of dawn greets me with excessive sunshine. A swaddle of warmth swoops in to soothe any grumbles about the premature alarm clock. What I wouldn’t give for a snooze button right about now.

I fully rouse from my decadent slumber with an exaggerated pout. The carefree aura fades with a whooshing lift of the gauzy veil holding me hostage. My muscles are loose and fluid. Hot damn, I haven’t been this relaxed for ages. Halder has some killer moves that calmed my system with swift efficiency. These lasting effects are better than the narcotics I was prescribed after surgery. I find myself suspended in this loopy haze, courtesy of the man softly snoring beneath me.

My makeshift pillow rises and falls at a gentle rhythm. The solid slab of muscle makes an excellent cushion. Not a single kink twinges in my neck when I rotate to the side. A deep inhale grants me a toe-curling whiff of musk, smoke, and pine. The scent is enough to heat my core to dangerous levels, considering I’m sprawling naked across a very hard temptation. A twinge between my legs reminds me of the recent overuse. Setting myself up for another round will not go over well with the nether region, at least for an hour or two.

I try shifting to the left, but Halder’s grip around my waist tightens with clear intention. I’m not going anywhere without his permission. That’s probably for the best, considering my recent plunge into polar depths that had nothing to do with raising money for charity. A grin curls on my lips as I snuggle into the nest of his cozy embrace. I could get used to this undoubtedly possessive treatment. Does that

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