Left for Wild - Harloe Rae Page 0,57

the beat of these tranquil songs. Not every noise is peaceful, though. The echo of several howls chase us, but those haunting notes are more of a distant chime. Perhaps we’re leaving wolf territory behind. Their threatening presence will only be replaced by another. I rub at the prickles crawling up my neck, refusing to already cast shadows on this morning.

As always, my travel companion provides a convenient distraction. I smile at the vision Blakely creates while haphazardly sprawling across the narrow bench. “How’s it hanging up there? Managing okay?”

Her gaze is stuck on the passing flight of an eagle. “Hmm?”

But I’m getting caught in the moment, allowing the wide wingspan to sweep my attention into the clouds. The wildlife in this part of Canada is surreal. If people aren’t scouring these lands for documentaries, they’re seriously missing out on an epic reel of footage. The leaping fish are an entertaining show of their own. South Dakota waters don’t offer the same talent. I shake that off with a grunt.

“Just wanted to make sure you’re all good.”

“Yeah.” Blakely drags her baby blues from the view overhead. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You weren’t all that comfortable on the boat before.” I squint at her through the streaks cresting over the evergreens.

“Oh, right. I’m putting that fear behind me. Being out here is a natural high. I’ve decided to just go with the flow.” She makes the motion of waves with her hand.

I watch her smooth gesture with a grin. It seems I’m not the only one who gained a boost of chill vibes. “All right, continue on then.”

Blakely straightens, pinning those relaxed features on me. The sight of her lopsided smile is enough to slow my already calm pulse. “And how are you doing?”

“Living the dream.”

“Have things settled down?” She takes a meaningful glance at my lap. I made the mistake of spilling a secret or two in regards to the shade of my balls. Her curiosity is sexy as fuck. If only I could find a way to satisfy that piqued interest, for both of our sakes.

I quirk a brow at her. “Not for much longer if we’re going to talk about this.”

“Can’t I be concerned about the overall state of your health and wellbeing? My survival is heavily dependent on yours.”

That gets a dry scoff out of me. “No pressure, huh?”

“There’s no point in pretending I’d stand a chance if you took a turn for the worse.” She twists her lips into a pinched bow.

I flare my nostrils, sucking in a long breath. “Well, lucky for you, my dick’s contentment doesn’t have much to do with how I’m doing in general.”

“I’m still taking the blame for making things worse.”

“You shouldn’t, Blakely.”

She crosses her arms, pinning me with a flat stare. “How can I not? I’m the one who did all of the stroking.”

With a groan, I rip my gaze from her. Revealing that a single look gets me hard won’t absolve her from guilt. I clear that confession away with the makings of a new one. “Think of it this way. My sex drive has been in a severe state of hibernation. You woke me up. I can handle the discomfort because it’s been years. And that’s not an exaggeration.”

Blakely bites at a gloved finger. “How have you managed?”

“Prison.” Enough said.

“That’s a fitting explanation for almost everything.”

“Unfortunately.” The years spent behind bars have warped me beyond repair. It seemed impossible to regain any semblance of a normal existence. That was the toxic influence talking. This woman is already doing a damn fine job bending me into a presentable replica of my former self. If nothing else, these last three days are proving anything can happen.

Blakely shifts on her seat, the rusty metal groaning in protest. “Oh, hush. No one asked for your opinion, Skipper.” She rolls her eyes with a huff. “Anyway, I have another thought-provoking question for you. If you’re willing to humor me, that is.”

I shake my head with a scoff. “What else am I gonna do? Ask away, boss.”

She sits up even straighter, piercing me with those heavenly blue depths. “If you were never arrested, how would you have spent the last five years?”

“Well, shit.” I scrub a palm over my mouth. “I haven’t given that avenue much room to grow since the cell door slammed closed behind me. Something about your life being stolen robs a lot more than time. I’d probably still be doing the contract jobs with software and security. That career was paying

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