Left for Wild - Harloe Rae Page 0,44

no reason for doubt to wiggle into my thoughts. A positive glimmer snags my attention instead. “The woods don’t seem to be as much of a barricade already.”

He looks toward the tree line. “We’ve been lucky so far.”

“Extremely,” I agree. And that’s no joke. I’m well aware how fatal these circumstances can be. Just imagining my fate if the conditions weren’t quite so kind makes me nauseous.

Our location almost seems more primitive while passing by on the mild stream. Everything is organic and undisturbed. Society hasn’t stamped their influence on these parts. Maybe that’s why it’s so beautiful. People aren’t capable of replicating this type of serenity. Only distorting and destroying to make room for futuristic advancements. These wandering musings cause warmth to spread through my chest.

I give the hull a grateful stroke. “What’re we gonna name this guy?”

Halder begins paddling to avoid some unforeseeable object. It’s a secret blessing that I’m sitting backward. Maybe he planned that on purpose. His gaze returns to me once the cruise control resumes. “Are you getting sentimental already?”

I roll my eyes, but won’t deny the notion if pressed. There’s something about the wounded dinghy that makes me feel nostalgic. Probably because I’m sharing this voyage with Halder. He brings out a very whimsical version in me. I want to experience all this land has to offer with him.

A soft sigh breezes from my parted mouth. The whistling wind steals the lofty sound before I’m done exhaling. “Isn’t it bad luck for a boat to go without a name?”

“That’s sailor superstition.”

“Pretty sure we should use all chances to turn our tide.”

He nods with a grin. “What do you suggest?”

“Well,” I pause for a moment of contemplation. “The obvious choice is Rusty.”

“How about Skipper?”

“Oh, that’s cute. What do you say?” I pet a small patch that’s not corroded. The canoe has no response. “Silence is acceptance, right?”

“Better than flipping us over.”

“Not funny,” I deadpan.

“You’re the one who wanted to choose Rusty.”

“Not in a degrading way.”

The green in his eyes sparkles from a reflection off the water. “I’m certain there isn’t a menacing bone in your body.”

“Wanna double check?” I drop my jaw as the bold suggestion leaves me. Then I fold myself in half to bury my fiery face.

Halder’s howling glee has me peeking up through spread fingers. When he laughs, I swear the cherubs upstairs take notice. Especially if they’re females. Everything surrounding us fades into a muted blur as a spotlight shines down on him. Totally worth my bout of humiliation.

After his amusement tapers off into a dull roar, he flashes me a wide smile. “This trip would suck without you, Blakely.”

“Do I make it feel like a vacation?” Am I digging for more compliments? Shamelessly.

“Honestly? Yeah. More often than not, I forget we didn’t choose this road.”

I bite the center of my lip. “Same for me. It’s only been two days or whatever, but I’m not hating every minute of being stranded against my will. Thanks to you, this is far from tortuous. You’re a freaking guru on being held captive in the wilderness.”

He gives his head a firm shake. “You’re too generous with praise. But that reminds me of something.”

A strand of silence stretches between us. I’ve always practiced being patient, but this pause is excessive. “Are you going to tell me or leave the suspense lingering?”

Halder leans forward, resting an elbow on his knee. “Had we not found this canoe, I could’ve constructed a raft.”

Disguising my shudder takes herculean effort. “No offense, Halder. Your construction skills are top notch, but I’d be more likely to fight off a wolf than willingly jump on a wooden plank. I barely agreed to an actual boat.”

“You wound me, woman.” He clutches his chest with a groan. Those deep grooves in his scruffy cheeks tease me. What is it about dimples that I find so alluring? Halder has the best set I’ve ever seen. Those twin crevices are made for reeling me in. I’m so damn smitten for this guy. Desperation sinks its claws into me to feel more of him against me. I want his coarse stubble to raze my skin, as in every inch.

Before I can recommend exploring certain body parts, his gaze skitters to a point over my shoulder. He lifts his jaw in that direction. “And look at that. We might’ve stumbled upon a camping destination fit for a resort.”

I turn gingerly on my tiny bench while being mindful of capsizing. There’s a distinct separation in the evergreens ahead. Halder

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