Left for Wild - Harloe Rae Page 0,42

safely on land. Boats have never been my favorite form of transportation. Unless I’m counting a yacht tour of Lake Minnetonka in the heat of summer.

My feet are leaden and firmly planted in the low tide. I’m not pretending to be brave. Not even a little bit. The quake of my knees knocking is playing on repeat as I contemplate boarding this bucket of rust.

Halder manages to swing the front end my way. “What’s the holdup?”

“Just appreciating the view,” I hedge. That’s a bold lie, and the smirk on his face calls me out. Nothing about getting cold feet—very literally—on a snowy riverbank screams pleasant sightseeing. The only new addition to our location is a dusting of flurries whipping through the evergreens. Those small flakes give a warning that I don’t need. I tremble against the chill, and a ripple blips across the water.

A screech of metal has my eyes snapping to Halder’s shifting body. “Do you need a better incentive?”

“That sounds promising. What are my options?” Is he going to strip? In all honesty, that would do the trick. I’d soak myself in this ice bath trying to reach him in two seconds flat. After all, he would need a blanket of warmth after putting himself on display for my benefit.

“You can get in on your own, or I can provide assistance.” He quirks a brow.

“Well, that’s not nearly as appealing.”

“What were you imagining?”

I look skyward, checking out the clouds and ignoring the blush attacking my face. “Nothing much. Maybe a game or riddle?”

That doesn’t make any sense. I almost groan until Halder flicks water at me. The playful move has me hovering in favor of leaping in beside him. That seems reckless, though. I don’t want us to topple over.

Speaking of, that’s a solid concern to voice. “Is it going to tip over?”

“Nope.” He jostles this way and that to demonstrate.

I’m sure the pinch in my expression conveys my lack of confidence in this situation. “You’re one person. Maybe adding another is the limit. I can’t handle more surprises.”

This guy looks happier than a kid in a chocolate factory. His smile can probably be seen from the moon. “But this is a very good one.”

The tension in my features doesn’t ease. If anything, a pulse of pressure builds behind my temples. “That hasn’t been proven.”

“Yet,” he adds.

“Okay, listen. I’ve never judged more than a few books by their cover, but we’re in a severe situation. This canoe is in rough shape, Halder. I mean, really. You’re making it look worthy of a magazine cover, but that doesn’t mean I trust the hunk of junk to float us downstream.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” His wink has my knees going weaker.

“As you should. Without you, I’d take my chances on foot. I’m willing to peel back rotting surface layers to see the true beauty, but this is a tad extreme.” I gulp down a lungful of cleansing air and dig for the courage to be honest. “Water sports have never been my jam. I might be a tad scared.”

A fierce gust of wind at my back seems to force me onward. That encouraging shove almost makes me faceplant. I shoot a glare at the whipping trees behind me. Message received. Mother Nature wants me to shit or get off the pot. She isn’t the only one.

Halder steers the boat until its tip bumps my leg. “I promise to protect you. That includes during this very useful mode of coasting. Just humor me, okay?”

He aims straight for my soft heart, of course. I point a shaky finger at him. “If I fall in, you better come after me.”

Another laugh bumbles out of him. “You’re too much.”

In a move any pole vaulter would be jealous of, Halder hops out of the boat and lands in front of me. He doesn’t even make a splash. I want to clap because that level of tact is impressive for a gymnast, let alone a man of his stature. Before I can react, he scoops me up and plops my butt on a very narrow bench in the freaking canoe. A muted yelp dies in my throat when he immediately follows, taking a seat on the opposite end. I feel paralyzed from the succession of rapid actions.

Smug satisfaction bleeds off his smirking lips. “There. Was that so difficult?”

Mobility returns to my body, but I just blink at him. “Uh, thanks.”

He wiggles his brows. “My pleasure.”

“This should be interesting.” I adjust positions without making too much

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