Left for Wild - Harloe Rae Page 0,35

site. His nose presses to the snowy ground as he searches for anything of value.

“Now what?”

I comb through my damp hair. “We wait until he loses interest. Are you comfortable?”

The rustling of her clothes follows my question.” I guess so. Why?”

With iron in my gut, I scowl as the mangy beast parks his ass at the base of our tree. “This could take a while.”

Survival tip #13: The scent of fear doesn’t overpower everything.

Who knew a wolf could be the size of a freaking bear? Sure as hell not me. From my vantage point up in this freaking tree, that frothing beast looks enormous. I’ve never been in direct harm like this. It’s a very chilling experience, chattering my bones with an intensity that leaves me colder than the arctic wind. Sheer panic took over my entire body until I was a quivering mess. If it wasn’t for Halder, I’d be wolf food. And that’s only if I survived this long in the first place.

I was certain my eyes had been playing tricks when that hulking form popped out of the stationary background. Those beady eyes glowed with malicious purpose. His dark gray body was a sore sight among all the green and white. Based on Halder’s initial reaction, this was a very unwanted party crasher.

Goosebumps attack my flesh as a single chomp of deadly fangs destroys our fishing spears faster than toothpicks. There’s nothing quite like a wild animal chasing me to get some perspective. That clarity is snarling fifteen feet below me. The hazards in these woods are not meant to be downplayed. So, we’re stuck in a damn pine tower without a ladder. Just when our luck began turning for the better. I should’ve been more prepared for disaster to strike. But pessimism isn’t my jam.

An exhale carrying a load of bad news escapes me. If I force it all out, nothing will be left to plague me. I allow my neck to roll until the cloudless sky appears above me. With the adrenaline wearing off, a numb coating is wrapping around me. The glittering reflection from the sun between the needled branches is dazzling.

“You hanging in there?” Halder’s deep baritone shatters the silence of my spinning trance.

I huff at the literal meaning. “Yep, dangling better than a monkey. My butt is perched between two branches. If I’m doling out creativity points, this is similar to a hammock.”

The thick limb holding him creaks underneath his shifting weight. “It shouldn’t be much longer. I’m sure he smelled our fish and came running.”

“I don’t blame him. You’re one helluva cook.” I track his erratic path while he inspects every inch of our premises.

He grunts. “Couldn’t have been too appetizing of a scent. He’s not howling for reinforcements.”

“One is plenty. Do they usually travel alone?”

“No clue. In these conditions, they might not have a choice.”

A tangle of something resembling sympathy tightens in my chest. I shove that away easily enough when the wolf lets another growl loose. “He seems capable of fighting his own battles.”

We’re locked in a war of wills against this solo fighter. This is the most wicked game of chicken I’ve been forced into. I guarantee we’ll win, because there’s really nowhere else for us to go. That bad boy pacing down below probably has a pack alpha waiting to ream his ass for not delivering lunch.

I stare at his twitching snout. “Do you think he has rabies? Not that it matters. I’m just trying to fill the void with meaningless conversation until he loses enough interest to leave. Fingers crossed he doesn’t decide to take a nap. That’s more of a cat thing.” I adopt a patronizing tone and call out to him. “You don’t want to be mistaken for a feline. That would be so demeaning. Your scary reputation could be in jeopardy.”

Halder chuckles at my rambling. “I don’t mind listening to you. He’s probably not sick. We had a hunting dog who got bit by a racoon. There was no reasoning with her once the crazy set in. This guy looks relatively sane, considering we’re most likely in his domain.”

“Well, he can take it up with the men who left us here. Sharing is caring.”

“Not sure he’ll agree with you.”

He rubs at the scruff dusting his jaw. In less than twenty-four hours, that growth has taken over the lower half of his face. I won’t be complaining, though. That dark stubble is a coarse aphrodisiac I plan on savoring. He looks even more rugged

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