Leather and Lace - By DiAnn Mills Page 0,20

lingered became a death threat for Morgan and Doc. The truth, plain and simple, echoed silently throughout the room. She’d seen enough men die in her day, and she vowed not one more grave would be dug for her sake. She knew little about Morgan, but he’d earned her respect. She’d gone over these things before. No point wasting breath to figure another way out of this mess or the answers to the questions about Morgan.

Casey touched his forehead. No fever. He rested so easily, peacefully. A smile tugged at her lips. She eased back into the rocker and laid the quilt over her lap. Soon her body gave in to sleep.


The next morning at daybreak, Casey awoke with a start. Her intentions of keeping a vigil for Morgan had vanished when she’d succumbed to sleep. Standing, she opened the bedroom door to let in a shaft of early morning light. Doc snored in the next room.

Quietly, she placed wood in the cookstove and made coffee. Before the town came to life, she’d be gone. A short while later, she sat in the rocker beside Morgan’s bed and nursed a hot cup of coffee. A bit of sadness settled on her at the thought of leaving Morgan and Doc. She shook her head. Nonsense notions.

Casey studied Morgan’s bearded face while he slept. Many a lonely night lay ahead when she would want to recall his every line and feature. Amber hair hung to his shoulders, with a touch of curl to the ends that softened his rugged looks. Wiry, knotted sideburns were trimmed somewhat even, as though he disciplined himself to keep a part of civilization alive. Tightly twisted eyebrows capped his deep-set eyes, which now sank back into his head, leaving a cavernous pit below them. No matter that they were closed. She’d always remember the intensity of his turquoise eyes.

“Those circles could bury a man.” Now she knew what Doc meant.

She wanted to stroke Morgan’s cheek, to feel the coolness of his skin just once before he opened his eyes. Yet how would she explain her foolishness if he awoke? Doc praised him as a good man, but those words didn’t necessarily mean Morgan was good for her.

Casey turned and cautiously slipped her fingers through the side of the window shade to view the outside world. The sun’s announcement of morning cast an orange tint to the area around her—not quite real, as though she could relax for a moment. Perhaps the town looked more ordinary than sinister, without any signs of lawless men. Of course, all of them were sleeping away the previous night’s activities. She heard a stirring and glanced back to see Morgan watching her.

“What’s going on?” he said.

“Nothing. It’s quiet out there.” She stepped closer to his side.

“Too bad we’re hiding. We could lift the shades and let in some light.”

“I have a feeling most of Doc’s patients are lying low from somebody.”

“True, but this room is like a tomb.”

“A safe cave,” she said.

He attempted to move his arms and groaned.

“Lie still, or you’ll start bleeding.” Casey set her coffee on the dresser and adjusted the blanket around his neck.

When he tried to raise his arms again, she pinned them to his side. “Don’t try to move, or I’ll tie you to this bed.”

“I think you tried that before.”

“And I managed just fine, didn’t I?”

He glared up at her. “Tough lady, aren’t you?”

“Don’t rile me. This lady packs a gun.”

“And I’m in no shape to fight.” He took a labored breath. “Has Doc said how long I’ll be laid up?”

She crossed her arms. “You won’t like this. He told me yesterday that it’ll take at least a month.”

“A month. He’s crazy. I have things to do.” He started to lift himself up again, but his face registered a stab of pain.

Her temper flared like a spark took to kindling. “You nearly died, and the hole in your chest is going to take awhile to heal. Doc doesn’t need to stitch you up again, and I won’t be here to nurse you.”

“What do you mean?”

“I have to leave before the morning’s out. It’s only a matter of time before Jenkins catches up with me. He’s already got men out looking. Don’t imagine he’d be real happy with Doc tending to you or hiding me. The longer I stay here, the more dangerous it is for both of you.” She turned her attention to the outside, fully suspecting Jenkins’s men to be armed and keeping a

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