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the time.”

“He didn’t even give her a chance. He just assumed the worst.”

“Because he had no other choice. In his mind, the only explanation is that I cheated, got pregnant, and is now saying the baby is his.”

“I still say he’s a jackass,” she mutters, lifting her coffee to her lips.

“Agreed,” Allison confirms. “But what guy isn’t?”

Juliet snorts. “True. Although I have to say, James’ jackassness is minimal. He learned real quick in our relationship that I don’t put up with bullshit.” She slides the deli sandwich over to me. “Eat.”

I eye the ham and swiss on rye, ordinarily my favorite, and my stomach twists. Food hasn’t been my friend lately. “I’m not hungry.”

“I don’t care. You need to eat, Alaina. Women are supposed to gain weight when they’re pregnant, not lose it.”

“You’re losing weight?” Allison asks, her brows creased in concern.

I shoot Juliet a glare before turning to face Allison. “Just a few pounds.”

“Because you haven’t been eating the last few days,” Juliet adds.

“I can’t help that even the smell of food makes me want to hurl,” I argue.

“Have you talked to your doctor?”

“No, she hasn’t,” Juliet answers for me.

“I plan to. I was giving it a few days to see if it passed on its own. Morning sickness is normal.”

“This isn’t morning sickness. This is all day sickness, and I think it has to do with more than your pregnancy. Enzo hurt you badly, and you’re wallowing in grief.”

I drop my eyes from Juliet as the truth of her words hit me. She’s right. What Enzo did, did hurt me. There’s a constant pain in my chest that, no matter what I do, won’t go away. I knew from the beginning he had the capability of breaking my heart. That’s why I tried so hard to withstand him. Once again, my judgement in men failed me.

Since the night he left, I’ve lain in bed, the pillow he used to sleep on when he stayed with me, clutched to my chest. His scent still lingers, but is fading fast. Juliet doesn’t know it, and I have no plans to tell her, but each night I cry myself to sleep. I miss him. Dear God, I miss him fiercely.

My eyes land on my hand that’s unconsciously resting against my stomach. When I first found out I was pregnant, it terrified me. I’ve always wanted children, but I was nowhere near ready for one yet. But I’ve grown used to the idea. It’s only been days since I’ve known my baby existed, but I already love her so much and can’t imagine my life without her.

It’s for that reason, I take a small bite of my sandwich. Surprisingly, my stomach doesn’t revolt. My mouth actually waters for more. I’ve forced crackers down the last few days because that’s all my stomach could handle, so the sandwich is a nice change.

Relief flashes across Juliet and Allison’s face as I continue to slowly eat. I feel like a zoo animal on display.

All too soon, the familiar churning in my stomach starts.

Ignoring Juliet’s questioning look, I get up from my seat and gather the rest of my sandwich along with my cup and walk both to the trash, setting the cup on the shelf on top.

“You ready?” I ask Juliet, desperate to get out of here before I spew chunks in front of Allison.


I turn to Allison. “It was lovely seeing you again.” I swallow thickly at the lump forming in my throat. “And thank you for believing in me.”

She pulls me into a tight hug. “Don’t give up on my brother,” she pleads. “He’s confused right now and isn’t thinking straight. Give him time and he’ll realize what a huge mistake he’s made.”

All I can give her is a sad smile when she steps away. What Karen did to him had to have been traumatizing. Unless he has tests done to prove his vasectomy wasn’t as successful as they initially thought, I’m not sure Enzo will realize he was wrong. No matter how hard I may wish it otherwise.

“It was nice seeing you again, Juliet,” Allison says, offering a smile.

“You, too. I can see you’re a lot better person than your brother.”

I elbow Juliet in the ribs. “Stop.”

She huffs, but thankfully doesn’t say anything else on the matter.

“Before we leave, I’m going to hit the ladies’ room. I’ll be right back.”

As Juliet walks away, something catches my eye over Allison’s shoulder. A shot of anger curls in my stomach when I spot Heidi

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