Lead Player - Alex Grayson Page 0,70

was, he said the last time he saw him he was at home. So, I moseyed my ass next door.” Her lips twist in distaste. “I found him getting a blowjob from one of the girls who worked in the tourist shop.”

I gasp. “That bastard.”

Her eyes meet mine. “He was. I hated him so much after that. I was barely fourteen and my heart was crushed. I never knew pain like that. All of my hopes and dreams were obliterated.”

“Did you crush his balls?” Juliet asks, her tone hard. Her hands are fists on top of the table. “Please tell me you did.”

“I didn’t. I quietly left. He never even knew I was there.”

“You really should have crushed his balls,” Juliet mutters.

“Believe me, I wanted to. After that day, I avoided him at all costs. He cornered me the day before my family and I left for the year. He was genuinely surprised when I told him what I witnessed and how much seeing that hurt me. He apologized profusely, but I was still angry, and my heart was barely beating again after what happened. I told him to shove his apology up his ass and to never talk to me again. After that, I never went back to the beach house with my family. After begging my parents, they finally let me stay with my aunt and uncle over the summers.”

“So what’s happened now? You’ve obviously held onto that anger over the years. What’s changed?”

She shrugs, flicking her eyes to Juliet. “I realize it’s dumb to hold onto something so strongly for so long. Yes, the memory of seeing what I saw still hurts, but he was only sixteen. I was fourteen. He didn’t really do anything wrong. Even if he knew my feelings then, he and I weren’t together.”

“Yeah, but it still sucks he missed your birthday party because he had some little bitch sucking him off.”

Juliet snorts. “For that alone, he deserves to have his dick severed from his body.”

Nikki laughs. “I came close to it a couple of times over the last year.”

“But not now?” I ask quietly.

Her eyes sparkle. “No. As much as I hated it and fought it over the last year, and despite the many years since I last saw him, my feelings for Hudson are still there. I love him and want to be with him.”

I grin and get up from my chair, holding my arms out. Nikki follows suit and we hug.

“As long as you’re happy, that’s the only thing that counts.”

Her smile is wide and beautiful when we release each other. Juliet steps up next for her own hug. “I’m happy for you both.” She pulls back and stares at Nikki pointedly. “But if he pulls any funny business, I’ll be the first in line to castrate him.”

Nikki laughs. “Only after me.”

Her phone rings from the table and her smile gets bigger when she notices the name on the screen. She answers immediately.

“Hey.” The way she says the word sends a sharp pain to my chest. That one word alone was filled with so much love.

I bite the inside of my cheek to keep my tears at bay. I’ve been crying too much lately. I guess that’s what happens when who you thought was the love of your life rips your heart to shreds.

I force a smile on my face when Nikki hangs up and looks at Juliet and me.

“I hate to ask this, but do you mind if I leave early? Hudson wants to take me to lunch.”

“Go.” I shoo her with my hand. “Be with your man.”

“Lay and I are good here,” Juliet says.

We hug again and she murmurs in my ear, “If you need anything, anything at all, please call me.”

“I will.”

“You’re going to be okay, you know that, right?”

Pulling back from her, I nod. I have to swallow the lump in my throat before I can speak. “I know.”

After kissing Juliet on the cheek, Nikki dashes away.

“I’m going to grab a refill. Do you need anything?”

“I’m good.”

Sitting back in my seat, I tap the screen of my phone to bring it to life, deciding to check my email.


I look up from my coffee at someone saying my name, but wish I hadn’t when I spot Allison heading my way. It’s not that I don’t like her—I actually really do—I just don’t know how she feels about me now. I’m sure Enzo has told her everything, but even if he didn’t, she has to know we’re not

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