Lead Player - Alex Grayson Page 0,67

the glass. I stop when my chest is pressed against her back, and I wrap my arms around her waist.

“James called you, didn’t he?” she asks, her tone soft in the quiet room.

“Yes. But he didn’t say much. Just that you seemed off.” I rest my chin on her shoulder and look at her reflection. “What’s going on?”

She doesn’t answer right away. Just places her arms around mine so we’re both hugging her stomach as she rests her head on my shoulder. Her eyes close and she pulls in a deep breath.


“I’m pregnant.”

It takes a moment for her words to register. I freeze, shocked into silence. My arms unconsciously tighten around her waist, and for that first moment, pure elation grips my heart and squeezes it in the best way possible. Images of Alaina and a little baby that has her eyes and my hair takes hold in my head, like a movie reel sliding across the backs of my eyes.

Her lovingly staring down at our baby in her arms as she feeds him nourishment from her breast.

Sitting in a rocking chair singing lullabies.

Laughing when our baby says momma for the first time.

Hovering over her like a protective mother as she takes her first steps.

Lying on the couch with our child sleeping on her chest.

Those images slam into me so fast. I squeeze my eyes shut, half of me wanting to hold onto them forever. The other half wishing they never came.

Because what my head showed me isn’t possible.

I drop my arms and they fall limply to my sides. Anger replaces the euphoria, hot and fucking smothering.

Losing the heat of my chest, Alaina turns around, worry and uncertainty bringing a frown on her face.


My jaw clenches at the wariness in her tone. Damn straight she should be wary. What the fuck is her game, claiming she’s pregnant? Looking into her eyes, I know she’s going to try to pawn the baby off as mine.

“How long?” I grit between clenched teeth.

How the hell can she do this to us? Just when I find the woman of my dreams, a woman I wanted to have a future with, she ruins it with lies. She’s just like fucking Karen. The question is why? I know she has money. She told me of the fortune that was left to her. She has twice the amount of money I have. That can’t be it. I’m no longer in Phenix, so I highly doubt it’s for fame. What other fucking motivation is there?

Her frown deepens. “How long what? How far along am I?”

I blink away the red fighting to cloud my vision.

“How fucking long have you been spreading your legs for another man, while doing the same with me?”

I give the girl credit. She’s a damn good actress as she rears back as if I slapped her.

“What?” she demands as she feigns disbelief. “This baby is yours, Enzo.”

“How long have you been fucking someone else, Alaina? Who the hell is the father?” I yell the last question.

The knot that’s steadily growing in my chest tightens, damn near suffocating me.

“I don’t understand, Enzo. How in the world can you ask me this?” she asks, her eyes flaring wide with heat. “You know I’ve only been with you. I’ve only been with you for the last year.”

I laugh sardonically and lean toward her. “You wanna know why I know you’re lying?” I keep my tone even, despite the way my heart feels like it’s in a vice grip. “I can’t have kids, Alaina.” Leaning back, I cross my arms over my chest and glare at her. “So, you tell me right fucking now how the hell you can say you’re pregnant and claim it’s mine.”

“What?” she gasps, her hand flying to her chest. “That’s not possible.”

“I had a vasectomy five years ago.” I smile mockingly at her. “Remember the woman I told you about? Karen? I had a vasectomy after the shit she pulled.”

She blanches, her face going white. She cups a hand over her mouth, and for a moment, it looks like she might throw up. I block out the concern wanting to surface. This woman no longer deserves my sympathy.

“Well, the procedure must not have worked,” she growls, her face growing red with anger.

Fuck, but she’s damn good. Better than any actress I’ve ever met, and I’ve met plenty.

“Why don’t you admit it?” I order sternly. “We both know you’re lying. I just don’t know why.”

Her shoulders droop and something like pain twists on her face

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