Lead Player - Alex Grayson Page 0,59

her point, her eyes do roll back. “I’m a food junkie, but no one beats Mary Bea’s. Her grandson is actually dating one of Heidi’s cousins. I told her I’m totally inviting myself to her family’s house for Thanksgiving.”

I decide to play nice and attempt a joke. “I might have to tag along with you. I can’t imagine what holidays are like at her house.” I release a dreamy sigh. “All that delicious food for the taking.”

Heidi smiles, but it’s about as fake as a stripper’s tits. “It would be our pleasure to host you.”

My ass, it would be a pleasure. The woman looks like she’s seconds away from tossing her Diet Coke in my face.

“Why did you choose to go into editing?”

I pull my eyes away from Heidi at Allison’s question. I cut off another bite and pop it in my mouth before I answer.

“I’m really good at finding grammatical mistakes. In high school, my English teacher always had me read over any written assignments because I was so good at it. I find it challenging, but also rewarding because I’m part of the process of creating a perfect literary work of art.”

She nods, picking up her drink and sucking her straw. “I was never a big reader when I was younger, and I despised my English class. Numbers were more my thing. But I was in the waiting room at my doctor’s office one day, and they were running behind. They had a small shelf with a few books on it. To pass the time, I grabbed one and started reading. After I left my appointment, I went straight to the library and checked out the same book that was in the office. I devoured it in two days. Now I can’t stop reading.”

“It’s a great hobby to have. Unfortunately, I don’t get a lot of time to read leisurely anymore.” I look to Heidi and try again. “Do you read, Heidi?”

She shrugs, taking a delicate bite of her Caesar salad. “Occasionally. When the mood strikes. I prefer psychological thrillers.”

“Okay, back to my brother,” Allison interjects. “Tell me, how serious are you about him?”

Her question catches me off guard, and I choke on my bite of mashed potatoes. I take a sip of my water and clear my throat. “Excuse me?”

“Sorry.” She laughs. “I didn’t mean it the way it apparently sounded. I really like you, and I hope it works out between you and him. I was just wondering how serious your feelings were, because I know Enzo is very serious about you.”

My inside warms as hope fills me.

“You really think so?”

She smiles and reaches across to grab my hand. “I know so. He’s never looked at anyone the way he looks at you. He practically has stars in his eyes, if that were a thing for a man.”

I have no idea what to say. I only know the feeling her words give me. Pure elation. I’m happy, and I hope what she says is true, because Lord knows my feelings for Enzo are growing in leaps and bounds.

“So?” She tips her head to the side, her expression earnest. “Is my brother someone you could see spending a future with?”

I suck in a deep breath. “Yes,” I answer honestly, then give her more of the truth. “It’s crazy to think about since we haven’t known each other that long, and really, how well do you know a person in that length of time? But Enzo is special. He makes me feel special. He makes me feel things I’ve never felt before.”

Allison’s eyes glisten and the smile that’s stretches across her face is full of happiness. Little pieces of white cloth fall into Heidi’s lap as I watch her, out of the corner of my eye, shred her napkin to bits.

Is it petty of me to want to smirk in her face? Whether she wants Enzo for herself or not, she obviously doesn’t want me to have him.

Too bad, girly, because I plan to hold onto him for as long as he’ll let me.

I mentally high-five Nova.

Allison and I make small talk for the rest of the meal. Blessedly, Heidi keeps her mouth shut, despite Allison’s attempts to draw her into our conversation. When the bill comes, I insist on paying.

“That’s okay. I’m sure I’ll have plenty of times to treat you to lunch. Since you’re going to be my sister-in-law,” she finishes with a wink.

I can’t help the giddy feeling in my stomach her words cause.

After the

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