Lead Player - Alex Grayson Page 0,14

per hour toward the ground, my adrenaline is pumping. The thought is thrilling.

But I don’t like the thought of Alaina doing it. The chances of something going wrong are extremely slim, but even the slightest chance is too much. It scares the shit out of me.

Gary grabs the handle by the door, asking Alaina if she’s good. I fist my hands at my sides, refraining from grabbing his suit and hauling them both back in.

Before I know it, they’re gone, the echo of Alaina’s screams vibrating my eardrums. Sully moves us forward, one foot in front of the other. I grit my teeth and push back the urge to drag him forward faster. I look out the door and see small blips of color from the others.

“You ready?” he yells in my ear.

I grip the straps on my chest and yell back, “Yeah!”

A moment later, we’re jumping out of the plane. I arch my back and move my arms and legs in the correct position. The wind in my ears is deafening and whips across my face so hard my cheeks flap. The rush of falling untethered is amazing and exhilarating. Seeing the ground growing closer and closer is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. My heart pounds heavily in my chest and my breath comes out in short whooshes.

Before long, we’re being jerked up when Sully pulls the rip cord. For a moment, after the initial jerk upward, we fall back down rapidly. Once the parachute opens all the way, we slow.

“You can remove your safety glasses so you can see better. And try clearing out your ears,” Sully says behind me.

I slip off my glasses and put them in the Velcro pouch we were shown earlier. Working my jaw up, down, back, and forth, I pop my ears. I look around and see the others below us and off to the side. The landing site is right in front of us.

Skydiving may not have been something I wanted to do, but I’m glad I did it. It’s an experience I’ll never forget.

I watch as Alaina and Sully land, the parachute slowly falling on the ground behind them. I breathe a little easier knowing she’s alright.

As we approach the ground, I lift my legs to get them out of Sully’s way. Surprisingly, the landing is smoother than I thought it would be.

It doesn’t take long for Sully to detach us. I look over when I hear a loud squeal to see Juliet launch herself into James’ arms. He wraps his tightly around her and their lips lock in a heated kiss.

Sully chuckles. “Adrenaline can be a damn fine aphrodisiac.”

My eyes seek out Alaina and find her looking at me. I want to eat up the space between us and haul her into my arms like James did Juliet. To suck on her sweet lips and delve into the recesses of her mouth. To hoist her up until her legs are wrapped around my waist and her pussy is against my rapidly hardening cock.

The rush of jumping out of a plane would be nothing compared to the rush of having her beneath me again. And from the way her eyes are smoldering as she looks me up and down tells me it would be just as good for her.

“Holy shit!” Nikki says loudly, rushing up to Alaina and breaking our connection. “I can’t believe I actually went through with it. God, that was scary but so much fun!”

She turns away from me and faces her friend. I grit my teeth and start unzipping my suit. James and Juliet break apart and he comes my way while she goes to Alaina and Nikki. Emerson and Nikki’s instructor stop by the group of women and begin to chat with them.

“Fuck, man, that was intense, wasn’t it?” James says, his face flush.

I peel my arms out of my suit and let them fall down my sides. “Yeah, it was.”

He turns to face the girls, his eyes moving straight to Juliet.

“We’re gonna grab some food before heading back to the hotel. Wanna hit Davenports later?”

Davenports is one of the bars in Sunnyville. We were too young to go when we used to hang out here as teens, but we’ve been a couple of times since then.


He claps me on the shoulder. “It’s good to have you back, Enzo.”

“It’s good to be back.”

My eyes wander to Alaina.

In more ways than one.

Lifting my hand, I signal for the bartender to bring me another beer. He acknowledges

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