Lead Player - Alex Grayson Page 0,12

palms, fighting the urge to reach out to him. I have no doubt Enzo has many notches on his bedpost—hell, I’m one of them—but I refuse to be played with any more than I already have. James told me about all of the girls Enzo used to bring around while they were in high school and college. How he refused to settle on one, instead preferring a variety. He’s a rock star—a sexy one at that—so it’s almost a sure bet that hasn’t changed unless it’s gotten worse.

I cross my arms over my chest in a defensive move and walk backward up the few steps leading to the door, putting more space between us.

“He may not know you, but I’ve seen the tabloids and the interviews. You’ve got a new girl on your arm every night.”

He puts his glasses back on and shoves his hands deep into his pockets. “All that shit is misleading.”

I shake my head. “Whether or not it’s misleading isn’t the point. I won’t be with someone who has no problem with the public thinking they’re with a different person each night.”

“I’m not with the band anymore, so that’ll no longer be a factor.”

I laugh but it comes out bitter. “Just because you’re not with the band anymore, doesn’t mean you won’t be in the spotlight.”


“No!” I say sharply before I close my eyes and take a deep breath. “Look. That night was great. It was actually pretty fucking phenomenal, but it’s not something I normally do. I was going through a dry spell, and hey, women have needs. But overall, I want more than just spectacular sex. I want a long-lasting, meaningful relationship that could potentially lead to a permanent future. I want someone who will love me unconditionally and wholeheartedly, just as I’ll love him.” I tilt my head to the side. “Would you be capable of that?”

His lips press into a firm line. He doesn’t have to say anything for me to have my answer.

I smile, but it lacks any warmth. “Let’s just leave it as it was meant to be. Two people who had an enjoyable time together. If it’s friends you want to be, I can do that. It would probably be wise anyway since our best friends are getting married, so I’m sure we’ll see each other on occasion.”

He stays silent, his jaw working and his posture stiff. After a beat, he gives me a jerky nod. I look at him for a few more seconds, while he continues to stare at me from behind his shades. After another moment, I turn around and walk inside.

I frown when an annoying pain enters my chest as I close the door behind me.

Chapter Four


We’re up in the air, the wind whipping across our faces. The woman, Emerson, who we were told earlier owns Wings Out, has just gone over the instructions for the third time. The first was on the ground, the second as we were making our ascension, and now, right before we jump. I should probably be paying attention, but I can’t keep my eyes and thoughts off Alaina.


I like that name better than Eve.

I’m currently strapped to the front of some guy named Sully. It’s kind of humiliating being attached to another guy. Why couldn’t I have been paired with Emerson or the other woman, Oaklee? That wouldn’t have been so bad. Of course, it would have been better to be attached to Alaina. But the rules are you have to be strapped to a certified instructor for your first few jumps.

As it is, she’s connected to some asshole named Gary. Even though they’re innocent touches, every time his hands brush against her, I want to crack his skull on the side of the plane.

Fuck, but she looks good. To say I was surprised when I got out of my car and saw her standing there is an understatement. Surprised, but very pleased. It’s been two days since our night together, and I’ve thought of little else. I hated leaving the way I did, but it couldn’t be helped. My little sister’s best friend, Heidi, needed help. I had every intention of going back later that day to apologize for leaving so abruptly, but my agent called with legal shit that needed to be taken care of before I could officially leave Phenix. Yesterday, I stood on her doorstep like a pansy as I waited for her to answer. She never did. I left and was going to go back

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