The Lawyer's Lawyer - By James Sheehan Page 0,82

at re-election by prosecuting this case? You took action. You didn’t sit on your ass and let Tobin walk away when I presented you with these facts. People are going to appreciate that, Bob. It will make up for your past inaction.”

Sam watched as Merton took in his words. He could see they’d had the desired effect by the look on Merton’s face. He looked surprised. He hadn’t thought of the situation in that light. But he still wasn’t ready to take the big bite from the apple.

“Tobin will move for a change of venue. It won’t even be tried here. People won’t give a shit.”

A change of venue was a request to move the trial somewhere else on the premise that the defendant would not get a fair trial in the jurisdiction where the criminal act had occurred. Evidence had to be presented for the court to grant a motion to change venue. Sam had anticipated this argument as well and he had an answer.

“What would be the basis for a motion for change of venue—that people here are angry at Tobin for getting Felton released, therefore he can’t get a fair trial? You’ve got a great counter-argument. Think about it: The people here all know or at least believe that Felton was a serial killer. The fact that, in the eyes of the law, Felton was an innocent man at the time of his death is not going to make a difference here. Everybody here is going to know that Tobin is being prosecuted for ridding this county of a serial killer. That should even out any sentiment against Tobin and give you a pretty compelling response to any motion Tobin or his lawyer can file.

“They need evidence as well and they’re not going to get it. I know Art Grumman, the editor of the Oakville Sun, real well. I’ve gotten his kids out of a few scrapes. He owes me. I’ll make sure there are no editorials about Tobin’s guilt, and I’ll get the rabble-rousers under control, too. There will be no demonstrations or any of that crap. Tobin will be tried here in Apache County, I promise you. And if you try the case and seek the death penalty, win or lose, you will be re-elected to office. Hell, with the publicity from this case, you may become attorney general or governor.”

It was a compelling argument by a man committed to his cause. All of Merton’s fears about what would happen if he tried to prosecute Jack were replaced by new fears about what would certainly happen if he didn’t.

“Okay,” he said to Sam. “I’ll take this case to the grand jury and let them decide. But I want your commitment that you will support me for re-election.”

“You’ve got it but only on the condition that you try this case yourself.”


Chapter Fifty

Jack returned to Ron’s condo in town after Felton’s death. Henry arrived the next evening. They didn’t get to talk much until the following morning over coffee on the patio.

“You did a real good thing there, Henry, taking care of Danni’s daughter.”

“Can it, Jack.”


“I’ll listen to that kind of stuff from other people but not you. This is what we do. I didn’t tell you that you did a great job hanging out in the woods until you caught Felton, did I?”

“No, but you were about to.”

“Hell I was. It was what I expected you to do just as you expected me to do what I did. Now let’s get to the real stuff. What’s going on with you and Danni?”

“Absolutely nothing.”

“C’mon. Danni told me you guys were together the day Felton was shot.”

“We were because I went to her house to check on her, that’s all.”

“So nothing’s going on in the romance department?”

“Nope, and it looks like it won’t ever be going on.”

“Never say never.”

“We had a good long talk. She was very honest with me. She told me she just couldn’t sustain another relationship after her marriage. She said it’s like hitting a brick wall.”

“Well, you hadn’t seen her in two years anyway. Now you can at least put it behind you completely.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

“So what’s going on with this investigation into Felton’s death? Danni tells me they were looking for Felton’s gun or something.”

“Yeah. When I saw him in the woods, I yelled at him to stop, and he turned and I’m almost certain he had a gun but I’m not positive. That’s why I shot him. Now they say Copyright 2016 - 2024