The Lawyer's Lawyer - By James Sheehan Page 0,41

was more of the same. They saw each other every day. On Wednesday night they went to dinner, drank a bottle of wine, and then went to the movies. Halfway through the movie he turned to look at Danni and she was sound asleep. I love this woman, he thought to himself. She fits with me so easily.

On Friday they went back to Stella’s and, again, it was as if they were the only people on the dance floor although they left well before closing time. The dance at home was so much more fun.

They spent Saturday canoeing on the Santa Fe River. It was a glorious day, one that he would never forget. They were totally alone. The only sounds were the birds singing and the river flowing. The sky was cloudless and powder blue but they were shielded from the glare of the sun by the tall pines along the shore and the giant oaks a little further inland. Gators rested along the banks or glided effortlessly through the water. Turtles were everywhere, resting either on rocks in the water or on old tree limbs. Every once in a while, one would just slip off and disappear under the surface. The water itself was crystal clear and Jack could see mullet swimming along, seemingly oblivious to the boat above them. It was hard to believe civilization was only fifteen minutes away.

Civilization, Jack thought. It’s overrated.

Danni was in the front of the boat in her bathing suit. She turned to look at him, a huge smile on her face. She was radiant.

“Isn’t this gorgeous?” she said. “It’s like we’re the only two people alive in paradise.”

“It’s perfect,” Jack replied.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Jack woke up on Sunday morning, gazed at the beautiful woman lying next to him, and felt blessed to once again have love in his life. He was happy beyond words.

He didn’t know it was all about to come crashing down.

He drove to Bass Creek that day to get some clothes and go through his mail and, in general, to check things out. Henry arrived a short time later, which Jack thought was unusual. What’s going on with Henry? His behavior is strange. He stays with friends instead of me. He shows up at odd times.

They went out on the boat for a little while that afternoon and again on Monday afternoon. Henry seemed to be his old self again although Jack could tell something was on his mind. He called Danni Sunday night and again on Monday evening and had a pleasant conversation with her both times although he sensed that she was acting strange as well. What’s going on? Is it me? he asked himself.

On Wednesday he drove back to Oakville and showed up at Danni’s house unannounced around six in the evening.

“Hi. I wasn’t expecting you to be back so soon,” she said when she opened her door and saw him standing there. She was dressed in jeans and appeared to be getting ready to go out.

“I never said when I was coming back. I just decided to come today. You look like you’re going somewhere. Do you want me to come back later?”

“No, no. I was only going to get something to eat.”

“Would you like company?”

“Sure.” She hesitated halfway down the walkway and then stopped altogether. “Come on inside for a minute, Jack. I want to talk to you.”

They both went inside and sat at the dining room table.

“I can’t do this anymore, Jack.”

“Do what?”

“Continue this relationship.”

“What relationship? We just got started.”

“You know what I mean. Time is no measure of a relationship. You and I have gotten so close so quick it scares me to death.”

“What happened between Sunday morning and today?”

“Nothing happened. I’ve just had time to think. It’s just been too much.”

“We can tone it down. We don’t have to end it.”

“We can’t tone it down, Jack. It is what it is. Hannah has gone off to college and I’m starting a new direction in my life.”

“Does that mean you don’t have time for a relationship?”

“It means I’m not ready for one right now. I need time and space to see where I’m going to land. I mean, I love the time we’ve had, but it’s too intense.”

“I’ll lighten up.”

“You can’t. I can see it in your eyes. I can’t either.”

“We don’t meet people that we have an instant connection with every day, Danni. Sometimes, we never meet them. You and I are lucky.”

“I’m just not where you’re at, Jack. It’s the wrong Copyright 2016 - 2024