The Lawyer's Lawyer - By James Sheehan Page 0,35

draft the statement and you draft the release, and I’ll review it. I only need an hour or so.”

Pelicano stood up. “Fine. Detective Jansen will get in touch with you when the release is ready.”

The meeting was over. Everybody shook hands and went their separate ways.

Julian had a few questions when they were standing outside the state attorney’s office.

“I’m not sure exactly what happened in there, but I do know that you were just a little quicker than they were and they had a plan going in. How did you do that?”

“Well, Julian, when somebody wants to make a deal, you’ve got to make sure you seize the opportunity and squeeze everything you can out of it because it won’t come again. It’s just something that comes with experience. Now, they are going to make a wonderful statement clearing your name. I know because I’m going to write it. You will be reinstated on the football team and you can put this episode behind you.

“I hope that you learned something from this. As an athlete you are in a fishbowl. You can be innocent but still be perceived as guilty if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. In your world, my friend, perception is oftentimes reality. Don’t forget that.”

“I won’t, Mr. Tobin. My mother was right about you. You are the best. You know I almost went with that guy from Miami, but my mother wouldn’t let me.”

“It was the universe speaking to all of us, Julian.”

Julian just nodded as he shook Jack’s hand. He had no idea what that last statement meant.

Danni called two hours later.

“I’ve got the release.”

“I’ve got the statement. Want to meet for lunch?”

“Where?” Danni asked.

“Where else?”

“I’ll see you at The Swamp in fifteen minutes.”

Jack was already at a back table talking to Ron when Danni arrived. She sat down and handed Jack the release. “I think it’s pretty standard language.”

“I guess I’ll leave since I’m invisible anyway,” Ron said.

“Don’t go on my account,” Danni said without much conviction.

“I know it will be hard for you two without me around, but I must go. You know, I’ve got to pay for the lights and all that. Lunch is on me, by the way. And, Danni, don’t give me that city business crap.”

It was Jack who protested. “Ronnie, I haven’t paid for a meal since I’ve been here.”

“And you won’t, brother. Besides, I’m just softening you up for my big pitch down the road when I’m gonna need some real money.” Ronnie walked away toward the front door to greet customers.

“He’s something else,” Jack said to Danni as he finally took a moment to look at the release she had handed him. “It looks fine.” He pulled a piece of paper from his jacket pocket and gave it to her.

“Here’s the statement.”

Danni took a moment to read it. “It looks good to me, but as you know, I won’t be making that decision.”

“I understand. Tell the powers that be that the release seems okay with me, but I am withholding any final decision as to whether to have my client sign it until I hear back from them in writing about the statement.”

Danni smiled. “You are a hardball player.”

“Maybe so. I just know how the game is played and how people go back on their word.”

“Unfortunately, I know about that myself.”

Their meals arrived and as they ate, they watched the noontime crowd arrive. Ron was suddenly everywhere chatting with people.

“So Henry tells me you and he had an exciting time in Miami.”

Danni almost choked on her veggie wrap. “You can say that again. And I’m with you about Henry, Jack. He’s now one of my closest friends. He saved my life.”

“Welcome to the club. So let’s be optimistic and assume everything wraps up today. You and I will no longer be on opposite sides of a criminal investigation.”

“That’s true.”

“So I think we should have dinner to celebrate.”

Danni looked at him and smiled but didn’t answer right away. For a moment Jack thought she was going to turn him down.

“I think so, too, and I’ve got the perfect place in mind.”

“You’re talking about here, right? Because I get my meals free at this establishment.”

“No, Jack Tobin. Tonight you’re going to pay. Assuming everything goes according to plan, you can pick me up at seven.”

“I don’t even know where you live.”

“You’ll find out. You’re a resourceful man. I’ve got to go. I have an important deal to close.”

Jack’s eyes followed her to the door.

Chapter Twenty-Three

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