The Lawyer's Lawyer - By James Sheehan Page 0,28

he was an attorney and offered to handle the case for nothing.”

“Nice guy. It’s understandable though. You represent a high-profile football player—it’s advertising you can’t buy.”

“Maybe you’re right. Check it out though.”

“Sure thing. I’ll be in touch.”

Jack called Danni, but she had already left the office for the day. He had to track Ron down at The Swamp to get her cell phone number.

“I just need to relay some information to her,” he told Ron.

“Sure, sure, I know. You can leave me in the dark if you want to even though I laid all the groundwork for you two.”

“Thanks, Ron. I really appreciate it. I knew I couldn’t hide this from you. Keep it under your hat though, will you?”

“Sure, sure. Your secret is safe with me.”

Jack called Danni. “My investigator has uncovered a witness,” he said.

“Where are you?” she asked.

“At The Swamp.”

“I’ll be there in five minutes.”

She wasn’t lying. Five minutes later she walked in the door, looking casual in a navy striped top and jeans. Jack raised his hand to let her know where he was sitting.

“So, Counselor, tell me about this new witness,” she said after she sat down and ordered a glass of Cabernet from the waitress who had followed her to the table.

“My investigator has found someone who says he talked to your witness and that she made up the rape charge.”

“That’s a first-class investigator you’ve got. I gave you the woman’s name this morning and you’ve already got a witness. Where did he or she find this person?”

“He found him in Miami. Apparently this person is a neighbor of Sandra Davis. My guy says he’s a drug user.”

“Not the most credible type of witness. For a few bucks he’d probably say anything. I’m not sure one witness is going to cause the state to drop the charges anyway.”

“I figured that. Your case already has some problems though. You know about Ms. Davis’s prostitution record.”

“I do, but that was years ago.”

“It has to make you pause at least. And the woman is thirty years old. What was she hanging around with this kid for anyway?”

“Wait a minute. You’re assuming that his story is true—that she was hanging around with him. She told us he accosted her in the parking lot of the bar. We do have some questions though. That’s why your client hasn’t been indicted yet.”

Ron stopped over in the middle of their conversation.

“How are you kids doing tonight?” he asked but didn’t wait for an answer. “Why don’t you guys let me buy you dinner. We’ve got some nice specials on the menu.”

Danni was confused. She looked over at Jack, who just shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe another night,” she said to Ron. “I’m not all that hungry tonight.”

“Okay,” Ron said walking away with a frustrated look on his face.

“What was that about?” Danni asked.

“Haven’t the vaguest,” Jack replied.

She looked at him for a moment, not knowing whether to believe him or not, then she was back on the case again. “I probably need to talk to your witness. Before I do that though, I want some assurances from you that this is on the up and up. I mean, you and I both know that you can find a drug user to say anything.”

“I wouldn’t do that nor would my investigator.”

“No, I guess you wouldn’t. I’ve been reading about the cases you’ve handled, and I know your reputation is pretty solid although I must tell you, I don’t know how you represent the people you do. Don’t get me wrong, I have some issues with the death penalty and how it’s administered, but I think it’s perfect for some people like that piece of shit who rampaged through this town eight years ago.”

“I appreciate that you have a totally different perspective than me,” Jack said. “But some people are innocent of the crime for which they were charged. The criminal justice system is flawed.”

“But so is your sanctimonious position.”

Jack smiled. She was testing him for some reason. Or maybe it was the mention of the serial killer case. Ron had said that case had affected her in a serious way although he didn’t know the details. Jack could see that her demeanor had changed when she mentioned that case. She wasn’t finished yet, though.

“You say people are innocent of the crime for which they are charged but that doesn’t mean that they’re innocent people. Take this Henry Wilson guy that you represented. He obviously wasn’t guilty of the murder that he had been Copyright 2016 - 2024