The Lawyer's Lawyer - By James Sheehan Page 0,25


“Why not? Aren’t most problems solved over a drink or two? Don’t answer that. It’s my mantra and I’m sticking with it. I have to. I own a gin mill, for Christ’s sake. Besides, she’s a very good-looking woman and she’s single. She’d be perfect for you. You can kill two birds with one stone.”

Jack just smiled. When Ronnie was on a roll, there was no sense arguing with him. It didn’t get you anywhere.

He was back five minutes later with a dejected look on his face.

“She said she’d meet you at the office tomorrow morning at nine.”

Jack laughed.

“What’s so funny?” Ron asked.

“You are—always playing the matchmaker.”

“I was just trying to sell a few drinks. I’ve gotta pay for these lights to be on, you know.”

Jack was at the police station promptly at nine o’clock the next morning but he didn’t get to see detective Danni Jansen until nine thirty. It was part of the game to make him wait and he wasn’t upset by the maneuver.

“Danni Jansen,” she said when she finally emerged from behind a sterile wooden door with a sign on it that read “Authorized Personnel Only.” “Sorry to keep you waiting.”

Sure you are, Jack wanted to reply. She was a tall woman, maybe five eight or nine, with fair skin, large green eyes, and light brown hair that settled just above her shoulders. She was pretty in a natural way, wearing very little makeup from what he could tell, a pair of navy slacks, a light blue button-down shirt, and no jewelry except a silver watch on her left wrist.

“Jack Tobin,” Jack said, extending his hand to meet hers. “No problem. I had some work to keep me busy anyway.”

She motioned for him to follow her through the forbidden door and down a long hallway to a small room that had a table and two chairs.

“Can I get you something to drink?”

“No, I’m fine.”

“Ron tells me that you have some important new information for me in the Julian Reardon case, is that correct?”

“Not really. You know how Ron exaggerates. He’s a friend of yours, isn’t he?”

“Not really. You know how he exaggerates.” She smiled when she said the words but not in a friendly way. The woman was a poker player. “Do you have any information at all for me?”

“Well, I’m representing Julian for one and I believe that my client is innocent.”

“That’s a shocking revelation. Do you have any facts to support that belief?”

“Just that I know Julian and I know his mother. When I talked to him today, I believe he told me the truth.”

“That’s it?”

“That’s it.”

“And what would you like me to do now that you have shared your assessment—recommend to the state attorney that she not indict your client?”

She was a tough one, but Jack sensed that it was a front. He suspected they were still looking for information since the decision to indict had not yet been made.

“How about if Julian Reardon comes to the police station tomorrow and I allow you to interview him?”

“That would be nice.” She took a moment to look at him. Jack could tell she was sizing up the situation. “I’ve done my homework on you, Mr. Tobin.”


Danni ignored the offer to be on more familiar terms. “I don’t know why you are handling this case, but I do know a lawyer of your caliber doesn’t make an offer without wanting something in return. So why don’t you tell me what you want in return for allowing your client to sit down for an interview.”

“I want the name and the date of birth of the alleged victim.”

“You know I can’t do that. This is an ongoing investigation.”

It was not an outright rejection. The language invited some negotiation.

“C’mon, Detective, you know I’m going to be entitled to that information eventually.”

“Do I?”

“Look, the sooner we get to the bottom of this investigation, the better off we’ll both be. I can help you.”

“C’mon, Jack, I wasn’t born yesterday. You don’t want to get to the bottom of anything. You’re a criminal lawyer. You want to get your client off. Who’s kidding who here?”

“Your investigation of me was incomplete, Ms. Jansen. I spent my entire career as an insurance defense lawyer. I now represent people on death row out of choice and not for money. I want to find the truth. If Julian is guilty, he should be punished, although I will be a part of that process as well to make sure it’s fair.”

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