The Lawyer's Lawyer - By James Sheehan Page 0,23

than the other kids on the field. Every major college had recruited him back in high school: Alabama, Ohio State, Virginia Tech, and Oklahoma, to name a few. Julian had chosen the Fighting Ospreys of North Central Florida because his mom loved the Ospreys, and Oakville was close enough that he could sneak home for a weekend now and then in the off-season.

“Hi, Julian,” Jack said when Julian answered the door.

“Hi, Mr. Tobin. Come on in.”

Jack walked in and sat at the kitchen table. The apartment was cleaner than any apartment Jack had lived in during his college days. While the two knew each other, it was only because of Wanda. The first few minutes were awkward.

“Do you live here by yourself?” Jack asked.

“No, I’ve got a roommate. He’ll be gone for a couple of hours.”

“So we can talk. Tell me what happened, Julian.”

“It happened last Saturday. We’d just won a big game against South Carolina and we were out celebrating. I know I had too much to drink but not too much that I didn’t know what I was doing. I met this girl, Sandra was her name, and we started talking and stuff and she was kinda hugging on me and we went outside into the parking lot in the back where it was dark.

“I want you to know something, Mr. Tobin. I’ve got a girlfriend, Robin. I know we’re young and everything but we love each other. We talk all the time about getting married when I get drafted into the pros. Anyway, this Sandra was getting very hot with me when we were in the parking lot, you know what I mean?”

Jack just nodded.

“Then all of a sudden I didn’t want to be there no more. I stopped her and told her I couldn’t do this. I apologized and everything. While I was walking inside, she yelled at me ‘You’re gonna pay for this.’ That was it. I left the bar. I never saw her again until I was called in the other day by my coach who told me this girl claimed I tried to rape her. I never did.”

Julian was looking at Jack the whole time he was talking. Jack could tell he was ashamed of his actions. He also could tell that Julian was being truthful. It was the little things. He didn’t look away. He didn’t rub his hands or blink. He just told it like it was.

Jack had him call his coach, Clint Maddox, and arrange a meeting. Maddox must have been anxious to see him because Jack was in the coach’s office within an hour.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Tobin,” Coach Maddox said after Jack introduced himself. He had the handshake thing down. Looking directly at Jack, a perfect smile pasted on his face, he gave Jack’s hand just the right squeeze. Probably part of the training, Jack thought. This guy has shaken more hands than a career politician.

“I know who you are,” Coach Maddox said to him. “I’ve read about you here and there. I’m surprised you’re representing Julian.”

“I know the family. His mother is a friend of mine.”

“She’s a very nice woman. How can I help you?”

“I’m not the one who needs help, Julian is.”

“I know but I can’t help him. This case has already been reported to the NCAA, and there is an active criminal investigation. My hands are tied. All I could do was suspend Julian from the team. He’s on his own.”

Jack smiled at the coach’s words as he sat down in a chair the coach offered him. Maddox didn’t seem to like the expression on Jack’s face. Jack had read somewhere that the coach had a short fuse. He was a big man, tall and thick, with arms like tree trunks. Probably somewhere in his fifties, Jack surmised. From his size I’d say he must have been a lineman in his playing days.

“Something funny?” Maddox asked.

“Not at all.”

“Then why the smirk?”

“It was more of an ironic smile.”

“I’m not sure I understand the irony.”

“Well, I was thinking about how you promise these boys everything to get them to come here and all your alumni go crazy giving the school money so these kids will go out there and win one for the Old Ospreys, then one of them gets in trouble and you drop him like a hot potato.”

“So what’s your point?”

“Isn’t there some sort of obligation to this kid, at least morally, to help him through this until somebody determines he’s actually done something Copyright 2016 - 2024