The Last of the Red Hot Vampires - By Katie MacAlister Page 0,100

hands toward Milo and Carol. "You may leave, mortal. Portia Harding, I order you taken into custody, to await arraignment on the charge of gross abuse of power - "

What is it?

He smiled. Two Hashmallim suddenly appeared, wafting over to flank me. One person shrieked, while the others backed up a good ten feet. Sarah scooted over until she was near Terrin, who stood on the far side of Milo and Carol. Only Theo stood firm, apparently not at all concerned by the Hashmallim.

I really, really hope it's good.

Oh, it is. He turned to Milo and asked in a deceptively mild voice, "Is it not true that one of your charges as a vessel is to serve as a conduit between the mortal and immortal worlds?"

"Yes," Milo answered, his eyes confident. "But the ability to go between mortals and the Court of Divine Blood is not sufficient to change the appearance of one of them. All I do is act as a courier, someone who passes along communication, and arranges for meetings."

Theo's smile got even wider.

What is it? What do you know?

Shhh. All in good time, sweetling.

Theo! How would you like a head full of snow?

His laughter echoed in my head. "And what of Abaddon?" he asked, and instantly, I knew what it was I had missed.

Oh, you're brilliant.

Thank you. You're not so bad, yourself, you know. I'd never have thought to look at a mortal for Hope.

"Abaddon?" Milo's confidence faded. "I suppose that technically it is possible, but not very likely - "

"Is it not, then, within the scope of your powers to arrange for a meeting between a mortal and a demon lord? Someone who, I need not add, has the ability to change the appearance of a minion such as a demon, or imp...or mortal servant."

The gasps of surprise from the crowd were loud, as was the resulting torrent of conversation.

"Silence!" Disin shouted, jumping to her feet. "There will be silence here!"

Irina smiled slightly, leaning back in her chair. I had the feeling we had just won her over, and smiled back.

"Such a thing is against the laws of the Court," Milo protested, his face pale. A light bead of sweat broke out on his forehead, and I knew we had him.

"Far be it from me to cast stones from the sanctity of my glass house, but you haven't been horribly concerned about following the laws of the Court in the past, have you?"

The look he gave me could have stripped cement.

"My past situation with the Court has nothing to do with this." His lips tightened. "To imply that just because it's theoretically possible for me to contact a demon lord for the purpose of changing the appearance of a mortal, I have done so, is not only ridiculous, it's damned near obscene. I am a member of the Court of Divine Blood! It would be impossible for me to conduct any act in such opposition to the tenets of the Court."

Is there any way to tell if he's been in contact with a demon lord?

Theo rubbed his chin. Not here. A Guardian might be able to, but I doubt if it would be possible to tell if Milo has been near a demon lord lately.

"Your graces, I beg of you, please allow my lady wife to leave. She has suffered much trauma by the abduction and resulting indignities, and I fear for her well-being if she should be made to stand here while this person throws her smoke screens and misdirection." Milo's head bent solicitously over that of his wife, the very picture of husbandly concern.

"Oh, for reason's sweet sake...smoke screens and misdirection. Like I'm the one trying to pull something on the Court." I didn't even try to temper the disgust in my voice.

"Everyone here knows the true reason you summoned and destroyed the virtue Hope," Milo said, his voice ringing clear and loud as he turned to confront me. He gestured toward Theo, whose fingers tightened around mine in warning or anger, I didn't know which. "You are the only one here who has an ulterior motive, not me."

"Hey now," I protested.

He continued before I could say anything more. "It is an established fact that Theo North has for centuries sought someone who would present the Court with an order of exculpation, thankfully to no avail. Until you agreed to help him by granting him the exculpation the moment you were made a member, his cause was lost."

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