Last Girls Alive (Detective Katie Scott #4) - Jennifer Chase Page 0,96

general response.”

“Why would they do that?”

“To get the reports turned in on time. Also, if they were being paid off or if they were going to extort someone. It’s not that common, but it does happen.”

“I’m not finding anything that seems weird about the books. It’s just tedious and repetitive about the terrible treatment as a child. How adults aren’t willing to understand the juvenile mind.”

Katie’s cell phone rang and she snapped it up.

“Scott,” she said.

“Detective Scott?” said the caller. She didn’t recognize the caller ID number.

“Yes, this is Detective Scott.”

“Hi, Detective, this is Shane from the county archive department.”

“Yes, hi, Shane. What can I do for you?”

“Well, you told me to call you if I found anything that you might find interesting.” There was heavy static in the background, making it difficult to hear his words clearly.


“Well, I found these pages from a book that were mixed in with the Elm Hill Mansion file.”

“What kind of pages?”

“They appear to be from a journal.”


“And on one of the pages it refers to the secret staircase in the house.”

“Sounds interesting.”

“I have a few errands and I will be right by the Elm Hill Mansion. Can I meet you there to show these to you? I’d like to see the house,” he said.

Katie thought about it and then said, “Can you make copies and send them over?”

“I would, but these types of documents are so old that I need to be super-careful with them and they’re not allowed out of my keeping. But I can bring them to Elm Hill where you can have a look at them. You could take a couple of photos with your phone.”

She looked at McGaven poring over his work and reading endless pages of the manuscript. She also knew that Shane probably wanted to take a tour of the house, and she really owed him one. “Yeah,” she said slowly, looking at her watch. “I can be there in twenty minutes.”

“Okay, sounds good. See you then.”

Katie ended the call.

“What’s up?” asked McGaven.

“Shane from the county found some pages from an old book or journal that was mixed in with the Elm Hill Mansion stuff.”

“Could be interesting.”

“Yes, I’m sure. I’ll run over to Elm Hill and check it out.” She began packing up some things, putting her cell phone in her pocket and gun in the holster. “I’ll be back in about an hour.”

“I’ll be here,” he said, not looking up from the piles of paperwork.

Katie hurried to the Elm Hill property and drove up the driveway. This time it stirred emotions inside her—some fear and some trepidation from her previous experience. She tried not to think about the time ticking away as it usually did during these types of investigations. So many things seemed to be tied back to this property. She thought about the people who built the home in hopes of having a big family—but it ended up being the biggest grief in their lives with the loss of those babies.

The property looked the same, but the gate was open. The large metal container was still on its side down the hillside. The crinkled and torn end was a reminder of her rescue. There were strips of metal bent back, looking like a giant tin can. She knew how close she had been to that container being her tomb.

She shuddered as she walked across the main area where long strands of yellow crime tape lay strewn across the property—now partially covered by mud. The large earthmover and heavy-duty forklift were still in the same position from that day. Looking away from the monstrous machine, almost able to hear the roar of its diesel engines, Katie turned her concentration to the rest of the property but nothing appeared out of place.

She saw another car, a small white compact, and assumed it belonged to Shane. Glancing up at the front door, it was open. Smiling in spite of herself, Katie knew that Shane was curious about the house and wanted a firsthand view—and to get out of the county basement for a change.

Katie stepped inside the foyer. “Shane?” She waited and looked at the remnants of the blue-and-yellow wallpaper which must have been stunning in the day. “Are you here?”

“Yeah,” came the reply. “Upstairs.”

“Oh, okay,” she said as she jogged up the staircase. She was getting a bit more excited about what he had for her to see. It must be quite interesting if he reached out to her like this.

As she rounded the bend in Copyright 2016 - 2024