Last Girls Alive (Detective Katie Scott #4) - Jennifer Chase Page 0,89

police right away, but they wouldn’t help me at first. I didn’t think to call you because I thought I needed to call the local police. I waited another day and called again. They finally took a report and said that they would send someone out, but they didn’t.”

“Okay, take it easy. Are you sure that Tanis didn’t say anything about going somewhere? Or visiting someone? Anything?”

“No, you don’t understand. She wouldn’t go anywhere without letting me know. I hadn’t talked to her for a few days, but that wasn’t unusual. But her not showing up for work is not like her.”

The breeze from outside blew through and several wind chimes fluttered a tune that was almost eerie, like a warning. “Okay, have you been inside her apartment?”

“I just looked inside to see if she was there but she wasn’t.”

“You own the apartment?”


“May I have your permission to look inside?”

“Yes, of course.” She got up and rummaged in a drawer and retrieved a key ring.

“Thank you. We’ll be right back, okay?”

She nodded.

Katie gave a look to McGaven as they left the store and then recovered their search gloves from the car.

When they were at the landing at the studio apartment pulling on their gloves, she said, “I think she’s in trouble.” Her words hung in the air and didn’t need a response from McGaven. She tried the doorknob and it was already open.

She slowly pushed the door open and scanned the room. Everything looked like it did before but there were several pillows thrown on the floor which didn’t seem right.

They entered. Katie saw that there were two coffee cups on the table. She motioned to McGaven. “Looks like she had a visitor.”

By the impressions on the carpet, he saw that the chairs had been moved. It appeared that she knew her visitor well enough to make tea. The kitchen revealed a half-full teapot and two small plates with crumbs left behind.

“Her personal toiletries are still in the bathroom, toothbrush, hairbrush, and such,” said McGaven.

On one of the small tables, there was a crochet purse. Katie picked it up and inside there were a set of keys and her wallet. “Her purse and everything is still here,” she said, laying it back on the table. “We need to contact the local PD that Mandy made the report to, and have them search and document this studio. Maybe we might get lucky and get prints off the mugs or plates. There might be cameras across the alley—have the PD pull those as well.” She thought about it. “And, we need to get someone to stay with Mandy and make sure she’s alright.”

“On it,” said McGaven as he pulled out his cell phone.

Looking around the studio, Katie realized that her worst fear might have become a reality.


Thursday 2115 hours

“You going to be okay?” Chad asked.

“Of course,” Katie replied and kissed him again.

They stood at the front door threshold. The cold air rushed inside making her shudder as Chad held her tighter.

“I can stay.”

“You need to spend some time at your new place. I’m fine. Look, Cisco even thinks so.”

The dog let out a low grumble.

“See?” she said.

“Get a good night’s sleep, okay? I don’t know what’s going on with your cases, but I can see that it’s wearing on you.”

She nodded. “I’m going to bed in a few minutes.”

He kissed her again and headed toward his truck. “Talk to you in the morning.”

“Talk to you then,” she said and slowly closed the door.

Katie stood for a moment listening to the quietness and then she heard Chad’s truck start up, headlights pierced through the blinds, and then he backed down the driveway, the lights slowly dwindling.

She knew that she had missed two sessions with Dr. Carver and that wasn’t the way she wanted it to be. Dr. Carver had expressed that she sensed extra tension and anxiousness so she wanted to talk to Katie more than twice a month. Her work, Chad, and all the recent drama had taken up every minute. But still—she felt guilty—that was the way it had to be… for now.

“It’s bedtime,” she said to Cisco. “C’mon.”

The dog jumped off the couch and followed Katie as she turned off the lights and secured the doors.

After going through her evening ritual, Katie tumbled into bed and fell asleep within minutes. Her dreams were tame. No victims begging for help. No crime scenes needing attention. Just sleep.

Rapid knocking at the front door woke Katie out of a deep sleep. At first Copyright 2016 - 2024