Last Girls Alive (Detective Katie Scott #4) - Jennifer Chase Page 0,74

in the next county.”

“I see,” she said. “Where were your parents? What did they do?”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know where they were or what they did?”

“No. I don’t know.”

“Do you know a Shelly McDonald?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“Do you know a Hugh Keller?”

“I don’t know anyone named Hugh.”

“Who did you live with when you were in high school?” She kept the questions flowing to keep him off guard—sometimes the person being interviewed gave little insights and honest answers when they were fired at them without a break.

He kept shaking his head in defiance.

“You had to have lived with someone. Who?”

“I never knew my parents. I lived in several foster homes my entire life—no one ever wanted me. I cursed every single one of the homes I was forced to live in—every single one.”

Katie paused. This revelation changed some things, but not everything. It didn’t mean that he was that much more likely to be the killer—it put a further twist in the investigation.

“How did you feel about the other kids in foster care?”

“Just like anywhere else. Some were okay but there were always those that you steered clear of.”

“Did you ever meet girls that were in foster care?”

“No. But we met up with girls a lot.”

“How did you feel about them?” Katie gently pushed. She glanced at McGaven and he remained stoic, eyes fixed on Bramble.

“I’m sorry, what do you mean?” he said.

“It’s a simple question. How did you feel about the girls you met up with?”

“I don’t know. We were just excited to be out with the opposite sex.”

“Any girl in particular you liked the most?”

“I can’t remember. It was a long time ago.” He intentionally turned his body away from Katie, trying to focus on something else.

“Try,” said Katie. Her tone had a sharp bite to it, causing Bramble to look at her.

“Okay I liked her.”

“What happened?”

“Nothing. I tried to get into her pants, she wouldn’t go for it, and then nothing.”

“What did you do when she refused you after flirting with you?”

McGaven turned his head slightly toward Katie as if to warn her to stay on track.

Bramble pressed his lips tightly almost to the point they turned pale. It was clear by his body language, tense shoulders, shallow breathing, fidgeting hands, that he did not like the question. Something triggered him, but he fought against it.

“Mr. Bramble, did you hate her, didn’t care, wanted to get even, what?”


“C’mon, it must’ve made you mad?”


“Did she make fun of you?”


“How did she make you feel? I can tell you are still angry about it today.”

Bramble stood up and yelled, “I didn’t kill anyone!”

“Take it easy,” said McGaven.

“I like fantasy! That’s all it is—fantasy! I’m sorry… Is that good enough?”

“Sit down, Mr. Bramble,” McGaven ordered.

“What’s wrong with you, lady? I told you that I didn’t kill anyone.”

“Just sit down,” McGaven repeated as he guided the man to sit back down in the chair.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry…” he repeated sarcastically.

“Sorry about what? Sorry that you took evidence in a homicide investigation, or sorry that you got caught?” said Katie.

“NO!” He banged his hands on the table and pushed himself back as far as he could away from Katie.

Katie didn’t blink. “Thank you, Mr. Bramble, we’ll be in touch.” She picked up the file and left the room.

After McGaven had let the detective division know that they were through with Mr. Bramble for the time being, he caught up with Katie.

Katie saw his expression. “I know…”

“That was…” he began.

“Look, I had to push him or…”

“Brilliant,” he finished.

“What?” She was shocked that he had apparently approved of her tactics.

“You heard me. That was brilliantly done.”

“I’m so glad to hear you say that, but it didn’t really give us anything. We have to wait and see what is found at his home and business after the search.” She paused at the forensics door, turning to McGaven and making sure that no one was within earshot. “How long would you wait before asking your significant other to marry you?”

“Wait a minute. You’ve switched gears on me here.”

“I know. Just curious. How long?”

“I don’t know. It depends on the situation. What’s going on in their lives. Katie, there’s no set timeline for the right time to ask someone to marry you.”

“Okay,” she said.

“Wait,” he said and stopped her. “Did something happen that I don’t know about? Did your firefighter…”

“No. Well, maybe… well, actually, no. I’m just curious, that’s all.” She swiped her badge and pushed the door open, abruptly ending the potentially embarrassing conversation.

Katie and McGaven Copyright 2016 - 2024