Last Girls Alive (Detective Katie Scott #4) - Jennifer Chase Page 0,60

the metal. “I only have two shots left,” she said.

“Use them!”

Katie squeezed the trigger and fired twice. “Nothing. It didn’t break free.”

“I have my gun, but it came free when I was hit by the door. I have to find it…”

Katie tried to calm her breathing; she knew that her adrenalin wasn’t helping her focus or the situation. It caused her to tremble and her vision became slightly blurred.

They heard the sound of the construction equipment start up and rev again—this time at a different pitch.

“Why does it sound different?” she said.

“That’s because it’s a forklift,” he said and began to move to find a place where they could brace themselves.

“What?” Katie said not completely understanding.

“Lifting equipment, so he can push us…”

“… off the side of the property,” she finished the sentence. They were going to be tipped into the pit where Candace Harlan’s body was discovered.

“Hang on!” was the last thing that Katie heard McGaven shout.

They braced for the impact.

The equipment hit them, but it wasn’t as severe as the previous ones.

Katie loosened her grip and looked at McGaven; he had the same expression of wonderment.

Then it happened…

They felt the metal container move beneath their feet. The moment of stillness just before the fateful drop on the roller coaster. The storage unit shifted slowly, rattling everything inside including Katie’s bones.

“We have to find your gun!” she said and began urgently looking anywhere where it could have landed.

McGaven copied her, but had to stop and catch his breath.

“You okay?” she said nervously, looking over to where she could just make out his outline.

“I’m okay…” he panted and began to search again.

The container seemed to sit idle for a moment.

“Stop,” she demanded McGaven. “Stay still and breathe slowly. I’m going to find the gun.” She looked back and he began to help her. “I mean it, stay still!” she ordered.

The equipment outside powered up again and the container began to move slowly towards the edge, like a slow sinking ship. It wouldn’t be long before they plunged to their fate over the edge of the pit.

Katie knew their time was running out.

The metal container began to move faster. Then she felt the drop as her body was thrown into a free fall and the container tumbled.


Saturday 1345 hours

A faint buzzing brought Katie back to a wakeful state—she didn’t know how long she had been knocked out. Moving her head slightly, she groaned. She still felt dizzy and nauseous from the drop and not being able to see anything but—darkness—again. Her lips were dry and it was difficult to find her voice.

Finally she said, “Gav, you okay?” Her voice a hoarse whisper.

Swallowing several times, she said again, “Gav, you okay?”

Booming sounds reverberated all around.

“Katie?” said McGaven. His voice was clear and calm.

Relief filled her heart. Closing her eyes for a moment, she said a silent prayer of thanks.

“I’m okay,” he said. “You okay?”

“I… think so.” Katie went to move and realized that her right leg was stuck underneath something. It didn’t hurt but she couldn’t get it free. “I’m stuck.”

“Let me try to get to you,” he said, moving slowly and carefully, pushing bits of wood and metal out of the way.

Katie tried to stand but was unable.

Banging resounded all around them—like several hammers trying to pound the container.

“What is that?” she said with her hands over her ears.

“Someone is trying to get to us.”

“Is that the good guys or bad?” She tried to make light of it, but the truth was she was scared. Pushing to stay focused, she kept her mind at how to get out of their predicament.

“I’m putting my money on the good guys,” he said, bringing Katie’s mind into the present. “But we’ll make prep as if it’s the bad guys.”

“Like what?” Katie didn’t really want to know but she needed to hear his voice to keep calm. The darkness was unsettling, making her cold and jumpy.

“You know,” he said above the scraping sound of him moving something out of the way. “Good news, I found my gun. It actually hit me during the tumble. Normally, I would make a joke but I’ll just leave it as is…”

Katie smiled.

“Keep talking,” he said. “Let me get to you.”

A huge bang rammed the side, shaking the entire metal container. Then it stopped, followed by a strange hissing sound. Muffled voices. Then more hissing.

Katie then saw the flickering light of an oxyacetylene torch, used to cut open heavy metal. Someone was there to help.

“Katie?” McGaven said.

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