Last Dance in London (Rakes on the Run #1) - Sydney Jane Baily Page 0,93

to couch a delightful encounter in such terms. I don’t use women. I relish them and offer them pleasure.”

She hated how it sounded as if he were ready to be of service to the entire female sex in Britain and probably beyond, too.

“Why don’t you tell me exactly what I need to do to recover my ring?” The tenor of her voice sharpened. Jasper knew how important her mother’s ring was to her, and he was playing games.

“Will you stay away from that Twelvetide party at Lady Macroun’s country manor?” he asked.

Julia was caught off guard by the sudden change of topic. Then she realized his intent.

“Yes,” she declared at once.

He grinned. “Liar! Maybe I should send word to Lady Macroun that you are not to be allowed under the roof of Forde Hall, no matter how you beg.”

“You wouldn’t!” she exclaimed, thinking of the humiliation were he to get involved, not only for her sake but for Sarah’s.

“Stay in London,” he said, “where I can see you and keep an eye on you.”

“For how long?” Julia asked.

“Meaning?” he asked, tipping back his flask again.

“How long before I get my ring back?” She was seething now at his high-handed maneuvering, making her warmer than any brandy ever could.

“If you do as I say, it will be your Christmas gift from me.”

“My own ring is your gift to me,” she scoffed. “How generous! I shall make sure to give you one of your own stockings in return.”

The earl laughed hard. Despite her acute annoyance at his manipulation, knowing her ring was safe and that she would soon have it back eased her mind.

“So,” he prompted once again, “would you like to come back to my house? I can make you forget all about the ring.”

She almost groaned aloud. The man was infuriating and cock-sure of himself with good reason. Luckily, his own actions had persuaded her not to succumb to his tempting offer. Then there was the other obvious reason.

“What of Lady Violet?”

He raised a dark eyebrow. “She will not be in my house. I promise you that.”

Julia huffed. It was about the only promise he would make concerning another woman.

“But will she be on your arm tomorrow?” Julia pressed.

He paused, and she considered how proprietary and jealous she sounded and bit her lip.

“You know who I am,” he reminded her.

“Yes,” she said quietly. “I know.”

“Still, the answer to your question is no. Lady Violet and I have parted ways, I believe.”

Feeling a little jolt of happiness, Julia asked, “Have you? What do you mean ‘you believe’?”

There was that attractive, rakish shrug again. “I suppose since I left her behind the other night at the Stridewells — quite by accident, I assure you — and since I haven’t had a moment to contact her, we are probably finished.”

He didn’t sound the least bit unhappy. Moreover, he’d found the time to get her ring back and escort her to a ball. He certainly could have found a moment to communicate with Lady Violet if he’d wanted.

“Don’t let it go to your head,” Jasper added, possibly reading her thoughts.

But since he said nothing more to dissuade her, she let it go to her heart instead.

“Your cheeks are growing all sweet and pink, like juicy cherries I want desperately to taste. What are you thinking, as if I didn’t know?”

“My cheeks are red due to the cold. Nothing more. I must go inside before I lose my nose to frostbite.”

His chuckle indicated he didn’t believe her. “Come now, don’t be peevish,” he said. “I retrieved your ring for you, and you’ll have it soon. I won’t even make you pay what I paid for it.”

Another surprising disclosure. “You paid the baron for it?”

“I did.” He looked supremely pleased with himself.

“Will you tell me how much you paid?”

“It’s no matter. I don’t want your money,” Jasper reminded her.

She had the feeling it was going to cost her far more than a few coins to retrieve it, even after she paid the price of staying home from the house party at Great Oakley.

JASPER WAS IN A GOOD humor the following day. He had ensured he would have Julia Sudbury all to himself. He was going to show her how much pleasure two people could enjoy, and he was going to do most of it while she wore nothing but that damned ruby ring!

He would kiss the nape of her neck, capture her enticing scent, and lick the soft skin beside her navel. He wished to discover Copyright 2016 - 2024