Last Dance in London (Rakes on the Run #1) - Sydney Jane Baily Page 0,43

be headed for an assignation, except all the guests were downstairs. Then he had a thought. She’d glanced over in his direction more than once that night. Had she intended for him to follow her and be the recipient of her pent-up passion?

Continuing to the second floor, he took a left, trailing in the direction she had gone. Along the hallway, all the doors were closed. Listening intently, he could hear nothing.

He nearly laughed, feeling like a child at play. A quick tupping in any one of the rooms wouldn’t necessarily be noisy. He could capture Miss Sudbury’s desire-filled mewling in his mouth, and gladly. But he needed a clue as to—

The door farther along opened, luckily not the one he stood beside. Jasper flattened himself against the striped wallpaper. In the dim light, she didn’t see him. Instead, she went in the opposite direction and slipped into the next room.

Even odder!

He followed, and after the hesitation of a heartbeat, he opened the door and entered.

Chapter Thirteen

“A certain popular hostess, Lady R__ was stunned to learn the Earl of M__ might be running through his family’s fortune at an alarming rate.”

-The Gazette

In a short time, Julia was in Lady Daphne’s private chamber. Luckily, despite nothing but moonlight, she had no need to rummage through a jewelry box as a number of exquisite baubles lay on the dresser. Perhaps the lady had picked through them before the party and chosen what to wear.

For a brief instant, she felt a slice of remorse. After all, there might be something that was special to her hostess, something she treasured as Julia did her mother’s small ruby ring.

On the other hand, there was enough wealth scattered carelessly on the lace doily to feed and clothe an entire orphanage.

These disturbing thoughts delayed her as she tried to choose something that didn’t seem incredibly unique. After a few moments, she settled on a bracelet of gemstones. She’d seen similar before and doubted it was a family heirloom like the unusually shaped brooch she left behind.

“Miss Sudbury?” came a voice at her back.


She yelped, spun around, her heart racing.

“Who’s there?” she asked unable to make out anything but a silhouette as dim light from the hall backlit the figure.

When Jasper stepped into the moonlight streaming in the casement window, she sagged with relief.

“Lord Marshfield,” she greeted, keeping her tone light and even welcoming, as if nothing were amiss.

FOR THE BRIEFEST INSTANT, he imagined they were about to have a flyer against the wall with her skirts bunched at her waist and his shaft keeping her upright.

Yet she was holding something glittery in her hand.

“What are you doing?” It seemed a reasonable question for which he hoped she had a perfectly reasonable answer. However, it appeared as if she were stealing something from their hostess.

“And don’t give me any more poppycock about seeking a token or looking at artwork when you have a bracelet draped between your fingers. You are snaffling jewels like a common thief!”

Jasper’s fury was growing not receding as he spoke. Why would she risk her freedom, possibly even her life? Especially when she had a sister who must have a comfortable income.

Julia stared back at him, her pretty eyes wide. He thought he heard her sigh with exasperation. She had no possible defense to her actions, so he reached out and snatched the bracelet from her hand.

He still hoped she would say something which would alter what he’d seen with his own eyes. Instead, she pursed her lips and glared at him, unremorseful.

“Why are you here?” she demanded.

“I followed you, of course.”

“You shouldn’t have,” she said adamantly.

Pushing past, she skirted him but was unable to escape before he snatched hold of her arm with his free hand.

“And why not?” Jasper demanded. If he hadn’t, she would have put the bracelet in her reticule and escaped back downstairs to the dinner with no one the wiser.

Her damned reticule! He recalled dancing with her and being hit by a bag that seemed filled with rocks. Undoubtedly, he’d been assaulted with her stash of pilfered precious stones!

“How dare you!” came the outraged voice of Lady Daphne Rancur.

“That’s why not,” Julia muttered.

Slowly, Jasper released Julia’s arm, and they both faced their apoplectic hostess.

“Marshfield, if this were merely your taking liberties with my home and having a dalliance with one of my guests in my bedroom, that would be outrageous in the extreme. However, worse than that, I catch you stealing from me.”

Jasper felt the full weight of the Copyright 2016 - 2024