Last Dance in London (Rakes on the Run #1) - Sydney Jane Baily Page 0,127

him! Acting so sincere with his soft brown eyes, Jasper had nearly succeeded in placing the wooly crown of an utter nincompoop upon her head. Julia refused to fall for such soppiness. Next thing one knew, she’d be completely in love with the rogue, married, and crying her eyes out as he tupped everything in a skirt.

After slamming her own door, she cringed. She must recall this was not her home, and Lady Marshfield might be disturbed by the ferocity of her emotions.

When the door was thrust open behind her, Julia whirled about just as Jasper entered without a by-your-leave and nearly ran her down since she’d barely taken a step into the room.

“Oof,” she said when he collided with her. But then he caught her up in his arms to stop them both from toppling over.

“If you were a man, I would call you out,” he said.

“Over what offense, sir?” she demanded, foolishly happy to be in his arms, smelling his warm sandalwood and juniper scent, and looking into his tawny eyes.

“You called my honor, my vow as a gentleman into question. I have never given you cause to doubt me, have I?”

She considered. He hadn’t.

“Your reputation,” she began.

“Your reputation,” he mimicked in a sing-song voice.

She laughed at his expression of pursed lips and wrinkled nose, like some disapproving old fussock.

“My reputation is that of a lover of females. That won’t change, but it doesn’t mean I can’t keep my hands and the rest of me reserved for you and you alone. I’m ready to do it, I tell you. And you’re making it bloody difficult. We will marry, you will cease prowling people’s bedrooms and taking their jewels, and we shall be blissfully happy.”

“All right.” After all, she loved him. She might as well take a chance on him as any man.

“Why must you constantly foil and thwart me?” Jasper raged. “How can you prefer a life with the risk of getting caught, of eventually having to be on the run from the law and the authorities, as we were a mere few days ago, may I remind you? How can you prefer that over being my countess?”

“I said all right,” she repeated.

“Did you?”

She nodded.

“That’s fine, then,” he said and claimed her mouth under his. A long while later, he let her breathe again and turned her in his arms.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m going to get you out of this gown, although I have to admit the fashion of our grandmothers has grown on me. I thought I was going to see your nipples about a dozen times tonight, and it kept me quite on edge.”

“The fasteners are a little tricky,” she began, yet far more quickly than Emily had managed, Jasper had her out of the bodice and skirt. “You have more experience than your mother’s maid at getting a woman out of her clothing.”

“I probably do,” he agreed cheerfully. In another few moments, he had stripped her bare except for her stockings.

Dropping low, he slid first one, then the other down her thighs, over her knees, and to her ankles. As he did, he dropped a kiss upon her inner thigh, causing her sharp intake of breath each time his lips touched her skin.

“Thank you,” she said, as if he’d done her a service.

Standing, he grinned. “You’re most welcome.” Then he shed the banyan, standing before her in all his proud glory. He was breathtaking.

Trying to maintain her dignity, she climbed into the high bed, hoping he wasn’t looking directly at her backside while fearing he was.

“You have the roundest bottom I’ve ever had the pleasure to view. And now I get to squeeze it.” He dove onto the mattress after her, making her shriek with delight.

However, when their mouths met again, they sobered. Her heart was racing as it always did at his touch, and she was thrilled to feel his intense reaction to her. And now they were engaged, she could lie with him without guilt, or at least with less worry over the consequences.

Suddenly, he rolled her on top of him. While she looked down, resting her hands on his bare chest, he tugged clumsily at the pins holding her plait coiled in place at the back of her head. When her blonde braid was free, he ran his fingers through the skeins to unwind them until finally, her hair hung loose.

“Like a golden waterfall,” he said. “So silky.”

She shivered.

“Cold?” he asked.

“No.” Before she could say she was trembling with anticipation, he rolled Copyright 2016 - 2024