Last Chance Summer - Shannon Klare Page 0,80

a good head on his shoulders.”

“Most of the time,” I said, nodding.

I glanced out the window again, my heart cinching slightly. I wouldn’t be able to schedule a visit until Thanksgiving break, but if we were lucky he’d come here in October. Until then, FaceTime dates and nightly phone calls would have to work.

Maybe it was better that way. I had to face my past here, and the people I’d neglected entirely too long. One person in particular.

“Would it be okay with you if I went out for a little while tonight?” I said, looking at my mom. “It will be max an hour. I just … I have something I need to do.”

“What time you planning on leaving?” she said.

“Probably as soon as we’re back. I’d rather get there before it gets too dark. I won’t be gone long. Promise.”

Her hands were tight on the steering wheel. She was still nervous when I went out after dark, but if she wanted me to change she had to give me the freedom to do it. I knew that. So did she.

“You can go,” she said, nodding. “But be careful.”

“I will.”

* * *

Hours later, as the sun set behind a canopy of trees, I steered my car down the old country road leading to Baker’s Swamp. The sky, streaked with vivid oranges and golds, contrasted the bitter memories of this place.

One held beauty. One held pain. Neither outweighed the other.

Silently, I pulled my car to a stop and took in a breath. My emotions balled at the base of my throat, the sinking feeling of loss heavy in my stomach. Too much time had passed, but I could do this. I had to do this. It was part of moving on.

Outside, a breeze ruffled the cypress leaves around me and brushed its way across my skin, sending goose bumps up my bare arms. Rocks crunched beneath my shoes, and then the path leading to Nikki’s memorial shifted from pavement to newly trimmed grass.

It had been over a year since the accident, but the memories had yet to fade. Like the small white cross on the side of the road, and the fresh wreath of flowers someone had recently brought, this place and the person I’d lost here were more than a memory.

My arms crossed my chest as the stillness of dusk settled over me. There were so many things I wanted to say to her, so many things I wanted to apologize for, but the words wouldn’t come out. I stood there, wrapped in silence as the events of the past year flitted through my mind.

There were still issues to work through, and emotions to handle, but at least now I had a starting point.

I had a second chance at living. I had the opportunity she never did, and I wouldn’t waste it.

“I got this,” I said, my voice barely a whisper on the breeze.

And I swear I heard her say, “I know you do.”


To my editors, Kat and Holly, I thank you for being with me on this journey! Alex and Grant were just an idea, two characters I hadn’t fully gotten to know, but both of you stuck by me as their story grew into something beyond what I thought possible. Last Chance Summer wouldn’t be the story it is without you. Thank you for all your hard work! And to the rest of the amazing Swoon Reads team, thank you for all you’ve taught me about the publishing process. Working with you has been a wonderful experience. I hope I get the opportunity to work with you again!

To the readers, those amazing humans who took the time to pick up this book and get invested in Alex and Grant, thank you a million times over! I could never express how much your unending support means to me. I’m beyond grateful for you. You’re the best!

To my husband, Allen, you’ve been there with me from the beginning. I could turn this into one massive and super sappy paragraph on how amazing you are, but I know you wouldn’t want that. Just know how thankful I am for those all-nighters you pulled with me when I was up against a deadline. Know how much I appreciate you being there. Know how much I appreciate you being you. There is no one on else on this Earth I would rather do life with. I love you.

To Macy and Blake, go back to the beginning and re-read that dedication. Your dreams are always in reach, munchkins. Go out and get them. I’ll be by your side no matter what.

To Mom, Travis, Greg, Wayne, the Hills, Ashley B., Stormy, and the rest of the crew, thank you! You’re amazing. You’re valued. I couldn’t do this without you!

And last, but certainly not least, to Jenny, Jodi, and Fran—thank y’all for including me in your team! You ladies helped me multitask like no other and encouraged me when I didn’t think I could fit anything else on my plate. Last Chance Summer wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for your never-ending support. Thank you!

About the Author

Shannon Klare was born and raised in Texas. As a teenager, she lived near Lubbock. She is the author of Surviving Adam Meade. You can sign up for email updates here.

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Title Page

Copyright Notice


Prologue: March

Chapter 1: Feelings

Chapter 2: Welcome to Texas

Chapter 3: Personality

Chapter 4: Disaster

Chapter 5: Sensitivity

Chapter 6: Optimism

Chapter 7: Challenge

Chapter 8: Fix It

Chapter 9: Mayhem

Chapter 10: Therapy

Chapter 11: Try

Chapter 12: Mistakes

Chapter 13: Payback

Chapter 14: Complicated

Chapter 15: Honest

Chapter 16: Fate

Chapter 17: Flawed

Chapter 18: Let It Out

Chapter 19: Last Chance

Chapter 20: Promise



About the Author


Copyright © 2020 by Shannon Klare

A Feiwel and Friends Book

An imprint of Macmillan Publishing Group, LLC

120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271

All rights reserved.

Feiwel and Friends logo designed by Filomena Tuosto

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

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First hardcover edition May 2020

eBook edition May 2020

eISBN 9781250313652 Copyright 2016 - 2024