Last Chance Book Club - By Hope Ramsay Page 0,9

man on earth I would discuss my plans with.”

“You know, he’s grown up a little bit since the two of you were kids. And he’s also rich as sin. He might be interested in investing in a theater renovation. He was pretty close to your grandfather, as I recall.”

Savannah clamped her mouth shut. The idea of asking Dash for money was the absolute height of humiliation.

“Dash is Hugh’s partner, you know. He’s the only reason Hugh was able to locate his factory here in Last Chance,” Rocky added.

That was a surprise. The idea of a classy guy like Hugh having a partnership with a drunk like Dash was kind of hard to figure. “I didn’t know. In fact, I didn’t even know Dash was living with Miriam and Harry until a couple of days ago.”

Rocky rested her behind on the porch railing. “Really? He’s been living here since he retired from baseball.”

Well, that was a delicate way of putting it. Dash’s “retirement” from baseball hadn’t been voluntary. The sports pages had been full of the scandal, when Dash had gotten on a motorcycle after drinking one too many beers. Thank God he’d only messed up his leg and not killed anyone.

This was not the kind of man she wanted as a partner.

Just then the minister who had officiated at Harry’s funeral came striding up the drive, saving Savannah from having to express her thoughts about Dash out loud.

Bill Ellis was long-legged, slim-hipped, and handsome. His dark hair curled over his forehead in a way that begged to have someone push it back into place. His eyes were sky blue and sober. His mouth was soft and expressive. All in all, he reminded Savannah of young James Stewart, the old-time actor in Frank Capra’s Christmas movie, It’s a Wonderful Life. Bill Ellis conveyed the feeling that he was one of those everyday small-town American heroes that Capra had featured in practically all of his classic films. The Episcopalians must be packing them in every Sunday.

The minister bounded up the porch steps and formally introduced himself. “I’m sorry we didn’t get a chance to speak before the funeral. I’m very sorry for your loss, but I’m so glad you had the time to drive down from Baltimore. I think you being here means a lot to Miriam. I gather you are her last living relative. Aside from Dash, of course.”

His hand was warm, and his smile was kind. “Dash and I are kissing cousins,” Savannah found herself saying.

He cocked his head and gave her an earnest stare. “So I’ve heard.” There was a hint of dimple in both cheeks.

“Miriam and Dash are inside. Dash is nursing his split lip,” she added with a smile.

“Then I’ll go pay my respects. Is there any of Jenny’s pie left?”

“I think so.”

“I better get going, then, because it usually doesn’t last long.” He continued into the house in search of Miriam, Dash, and a slice of pie.

“Who the heck is Jenny Carpenter and why is every man in love with her pie?” Savannah asked.

“She’s a math teacher up at the high school. Her pies are legendary.”

“So I gather.”

“You know, it’s just a shame one of the single men around here doesn’t marry that woman. I think Reverend Ellis might be inclined except she’s a Methodist. Lillian Bray would have a heart attack if our minister married outside of the faith, so to speak.”

“The minister’s not married?” Savannah asked. She stomped on the thought forming in her head. The last thing she wanted was another romantic entanglement. She needed to stop leading with her heart all the time.

Rocky snorted a laugh. “No, he’s not. And before you ask me how a man of God who looks that good could reach the age of thirty-five and not be married, let me make it clear that I do not believe he’s gay. Although I think Lillian Bray is starting to worry about that. Lillian is the chair of the Ladies’ Auxiliary, and she would not cotton to our having a gay minister. Which explains why she is on a mission to find Bill a wife. So you be careful now, you hear?”

“I’m not interested,” Savannah said. But of course, what single woman in her early thirties wouldn’t be interested in a guy like Reverend Ellis? He was handsome. He was gainfully employed. He looked like a movie star. Which, of course, was the problem. Next time, she was going to go for a guy with a face like a Copyright 2016 - 2024