Last Chance Book Club - By Hope Ramsay Page 0,113

tonight that everyone in Last Chance with the possible exception of Lillian Bray is going to give me the benefit of the doubt. People in the rest of the world might not, but I don’t really care about the rest of the world. And second, it’s not going to happen.”

She pulled his fingers away from her mouth. “But it is.”

“Nope. Not after Stone Rhodes is finished with your ex.”


“Well, I think Greg is going to go to jail for arson.”


“I’m afraid so. John Rodgers met with Greg in Baltimore a few days before the fire. And Stone’s got a lead on the snakes, too, that points in the direction of a pool hustler named New York Nate, of all things. So I think I’m off the hook.

“But all this is still going to hurt Todd. It’s never easy to be the son of someone who is an addict. And I’m thinking Greg is addicted to gambling. So you and I are going to have to be there for Todd. I’m going to do my best to help your son get over this disaster in his life. Just like Uncle Earnest was there for me. That’s my solemn promise, whether you marry me or not.”

“Marry you?”

“Finally,” Miriam said on an exasperated breath.

“Will you?” he asked.

She blinked up into his craggy face. “I want to.”

“Then say yes.”


Dash’s mouth came back down on hers in the sweetest, most tender kiss ever. She wrapped her arms around him. She wasn’t ever going to let him go.

“What’s happening?” Todd came wandering into the bedroom with Champ dancing around his feet.

“Your mother and Cousin Dash are having a moment,” Miriam said.

“A moment?” Todd said. “It looks like they’re playing tonsil hockey.”

Miriam sniffed. “Boy, where did you hear that term?”

“From Oliver. He wants to play tonsil hockey with Sherrie Ann.”

“Oh, my, she’s all wrong for him,” Miriam said. “You tell Oliver not to kiss that girl.”

“Yes, Aunt Mim, I will.”

The old woman and the boy stood there for a moment observing the kiss that went on and on. “I told you your mother and Dash loved each other, didn’t I?” Miriam finally said.

“Yeah, you did. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you. But hey, this is tight.”

“Yes, very tight, indeed.”

Todd gave Champ’s big head a little pat. “C’mon, boy, Aunt Miriam was right after all. Looks like Mom and me are staying. C’mon and help me unpack.”


Discussion Questions for Last Chance Book Club

1. The romance in Last Chance Book Club is similar in some ways to the romance portrayed in Pride and Prejudice. Discuss some of the ways that Dash and Savannah are similar to Darcy and Elizabeth. In the contemporary story, who is the Darcy character? Who better embodies Elizabeth?

2. Matchmaking occupies a central part of both Pride and Prejudice and Last Chance Book Club. Compare and contrast the matchmaking efforts of Mrs. Bennet and Miz Miriam Randall. Which matchmaker would you prefer to consult if you were looking for marital advice? Why?

3. Savannah ends up tackling a pretty big undertaking even though the theater project overwhelms and frightens her. What strategies did she use to face her fear and lack of confidence? Was the community a help or a hindrance? Have you ever undertaken a big project where people were depending on you? Did it make you confident or scare you to death?

4. Discuss the ways Dash Randall becomes the man he has always wanted to be. Do you think Dash’s transformation would have been possible without Todd?

5. Scattered throughout the novel are several scenes that mirror Pride and Prejudice. Can you find them? Email your answers to [email protected] to be entered to win prizes and swag.

6. The loss of reputation is an important theme in Last Chance Book Club and Pride and Prejudice. Discuss how the threat of a lost reputation provides a barrier between the lovers in both books.

7. How is Reverend Ellis similar to Mr. Collins in Pride and Prejudice? How is he different? Is Hettie like Charlotte Lucas?

8. Discuss how Dash works through his various addictions and implements parts of the twelve-step program. In particular, how does Dash make amends for his past actions? How does he make a “searching and fearless inventory” of himself? How does Dash admit his shortcomings to Savannah and others? How does he turn his life over to a higher power’s care?

9. Uncle Earnest was an important parental figure for both Dash and Savannah. Other than your parents, who was a major positive influence while Copyright 2016 - 2024