The Last Black Unicorn - Tiffany Haddish Page 0,42

was kind of mean to him.

Ex-Boyfriend: “I know you want to fuck that motherfucker, don’t you Tiffany? I can tell by the way you’re smiling at him. Stop smiling goddam it. I can’t leave you nowhere. You wanna fuck this handicapped dude, I know you would.”

Tiffany: “I might, I might.”

I was kidding—obviously—but he got all angry again.

Ex-Boyfriend: “So you like that in a guy? If Tyson Beckford and a motherfucker missing an arm come in, who are you going to fuck? The motherfucker missing an arm, ain’t you?”

Tiffany: “Stop tripping.”

Ex-Boyfriend: “Stop tripping? I didn’t fuck no handicapped. I gotta watch you now, I gotta be on the lookout for dudes with shit wrong, creepin’ on my girl!”

A few weeks later, he was going through some old messages of mine on Instagram, still on this handicapped thing.

Ex-Boyfriend: “Look at this dude, saying he love you and want to marry you! He look a little touched, look at his eye. Oh shit, you probably like him, I’mma block this motherfucker off your page.”

Tiffany: “Why are you even in my shit like that, we’ve only been dating five months, it’s not that serious. It’s really not that serious.”

Ex-Boyfriend: “I don’t know, man, what if we get married, Tiffany? You’re going to cheat on me with somebody with a disability?”

Tiffany: “I wouldn’t cheat on you with nobody. If I wanted to cheat, I would just leave you.”


Tiffany: “No! Roscoe’s the only handicapped dude I’ve been with, he’s the only one. I don’t have a variety of handicapped dudes.”

Ex-Boyfriend: “Yeah right, Tiff, yeah right.”

He did not believe me. He eventually got way back into my social media, and found a dude that I did used to mess with who got shot.

Ex-Boyfriend: “Look at this motherfucker, you told him you love him, and he in a wheelchair!”

Tiffany: “Well yeah, and that was three years ago. I did love him when we were dating.”

Ex-Boyfriend: “This motherfucker in a wheelchair! I knew you liked handicapped!”

Tiffany: “When I was in love with him, when I was with him, he was not in a wheelchair. He got shot in the back, okay? That’s why he’s in a wheelchair.”

Ex-Boyfriend: “I bet you were fucking in that wheelchair.”

Tiffany: “Stop trippin’!”

Ex-Boyfriend: “I bet you would.”

Anytime we had an argument, he would always bring up Roscoe or some kind of handicapped dick.

Well, we’re not dating anymore. I guess that was easy to predict.

Other Guys I’ve Dated

I’ve dated a few policemen, and that was generally cool. Cops tend to be pretty good dudes. They are strong and polite, and they treat you right.

Well, not all of them. One of the guys, he ended up going to jail for robbing some Mexican fruit stands. He was a crooked cop.

I didn’t know about him robbing the fruit stands, obviously, but I had a feeling something was off with him. When he would come to my house, he always put his gun on my dresser. It made me uncomfortable. It was like he was subconsciously saying, “Don’t try nothing, bitch, or I’mma shoot you.” That’s what I felt. I didn’t like that, so I backed off of him.

Good thing, too. I don’t want to date no guy who robs poor Mexicans just trying to make some money selling fruit. That ain’t right.

I dated two dope dealers, but there’s nothing really funny about that. They’re in jail, too. Come to think of it, I’ve dated about five guys who ended up in jail in some form.

One was this African dude who would always bring me clothes.

Well, I didn’t really date him. It felt like I dated him, because he would call me so much, and he would bring me shoes and clothes that didn’t fit. He put them in front of my house—like, right at the front door, like some sort of broke-ass Santa Claus.

I never went anywhere with him, because who leaves gifts at your door? And they were bad gifts, like really small clothes, double zero clothes. Or a pantsuit, and it’s double zero, too. I don’t wear a double zero. I’m not close to that size.

He brought me some Dada shoes, but they were a size six. I wear a ten. I was like, ugh. I didn’t like that. I threw the clothes and the shoes away, and then he stopped bringing me things, because he went to jail.

He was running some of those Nigerian prince email scams. Using people’s credit cards and checks, for identity theft. Copyright 2016 - 2024