Lani (Devils Souls MC) - LeAnn Ashers Page 0,40

the gate and the guy drives inside.

He throws the truck into park and runs up to the front door like he has this big emergency.

When I finally get a good look at his face, I notice right away how much he looks like Vinny and the girls.

Is this their brother Danny?

Vinny opens the door and Danny stops in his tracks when he sees Vinny. “Brother, it’s been so long,” Danny says.

My first impression of Danny is that he’s a big-ass guy. I get military vibes from him—straight-backed and clean-cut.

Vinny splits the distance and hugs him tightly. Danny closes his eyes. I take Trey’s hand at the sight of this reunion. I know that Vinny wondered about Danny all the time.

“Fuck, baby, they’re all back together.” I lean my head on Trey’s shoulder and enjoy this beautiful moment.

Vinny and Danny part. “I just got out of the special forces. I went back home to see Lynn and Etta, but the house was completely abandoned. I found a neighbor and she told me that you got the girls. Then I asked around town and found you here,” Danny explains.

“Brother, I need to speak to you in private.” Vinny pulls him down the porch and sits on the steps.

I close the door and allow them privacy. The girls are in the kitchen eating dinner at the island, where we were about to join them before their brother arrived.

Trey looks out the door, keeping an eye on Vinny, making sure he is okay. He’s always in protector mode.

Fifteen minutes later Vinny and Danny walk inside of the house. I stand up and take Vinny’s hand.

Danny walks into the kitchen where the girls are sitting, “Etta? Lynn?” They turn around in unison, then they take off running, hugging Danny.

“I missed you girls.” Danny holds the both of them. The girls are crying and I can see Danny is trying to hold back his tears.

“We missed you too!” Lynn wipes her eyes. “We’re all together again,” Etta finishes, and my heart is so happy for them.

“Danny, this is my girlfriend Lani and this is my man Trey,” Vinny introduces us, and I wince inwardly, hoping for a good reaction.

Danny shakes Trey’s hand before he hugs me. “Thank you for taking care of my brother. It’s nice to see him happy.”

Okay he is truly a nice guy, I can see that, but I can also see a deadly side of him. He has a darkness in him that is deeper than even Vinny’s.

We all get some food and take it into the living room so we can all sit together. Michaela wakes up crying and Lynn gets her and carries her into the living room with the rest of us.

Danny looks confused when he sees Michaela. “Vinny, why didn’t you tell me you had a baby?” He smiles at her, touching her hand.

Lynn clears her throat. “She’s mine.”

Danny sets his plate down, confused. “What the fuck do you mean she’s yours, Lynn? Vinny, you never told me.”

“I told you about me, how I brought the girls home with us, but it’s not my place to tell their story.” Vinny tells him bluntly, and I have to agree. They may not want him to know.

Lynn sits down and takes out some food for Michaela. “Etta and I were forced to marry right after you left. I was married at thirteen and she was fifteen.”

Danny sits back on the couch. I can see the pain in his face. “You both are babies! Dad is a piece of shit. I hope to god he didn’t hurt you, too.”

Pain slices through my heart because he just confirmed that he was another victim of their fucking stupid father. I wish I could dig him up and tear him apart.

The girls look down, confirming exactly what he wanted to know. “I am so fucking sorry.” He reaches out and grabs both of their hands, then looks at Vinny, giving him a look of empathy.

“We’ll be okay, we’re in therapy and Vinny has taken good care of us. Time is all we have now. We’ll get where we need to be.”

Danny has a look of a proud brother. I am so proud of all of them. They changed everything around and look at them now.



Two Months Later

“Baby, time to wake up.” Trey kisses my forehand, rubbing my bare back. I can hear wrappers opening in the background and I peek one eye open to see Vinny holding a small box.

“I’m awake.” I sit up Copyright 2016 - 2024