Lady Thief - By Rizzo Rosko Page 0,70

at her declaration and proceeded to the stables. As was custom, James stood outside the doors while Marianne went in.

“I will not be long.” She assured them when she shut the door. The air was less chilled, but Marianne kept her cloak about her shoulders, and the familiar scent of horses and hay was welcome.

Not a man was in the stable but Archer. He stopped brushing Benedict when his eyes found her. He smiled and bowed. “Milady.”

Happiness and relief filled her at the sight of him and not Robert. Just because she apologized to Blaise did not mean she owed anything to Robert for what he had done to William.

Every time she went to visit Mare and found that horrible servant there she had difficulty holding her tongue. Though that did not explain the absence of the others.

“Where are the other grooms?”

Archer laughed, still brushing benedict’s dark coat to a gleaming shine. “chilled grooms tend to run and find a fire for several moments when they believe no one shall catch them.”

She smiled and stepped forth. “And why have you not gone?”

He moved around to brush the other side of the proud stud. “Someone needs to keep the beasts from freezing.”

“Well, have no fear. They will return to their posts when I find a way of punishing them without placing blame on you for telling their secret.”

Archer chuckled.

Marianne moved in a straight line towards Mare and patted her large nose affectionately.

“Has she been fed today?”

Though Archer continued to brush Benedict with his back to her, she could detect the grin in his voice. “Aye, milady, though if you ask her she will disagree with me.”

He stopped his brushing and threw a blanket over Benedict’s dark coat to ward off the chill seeping into the stables.

“Enjoys her oats a little much, that one.”

Marianne eyed her swollen belly.

Though Mare’s large stomach had naught to do with Marianne’s possible condition, she found herself touching her own belly and wondering how big she would get.

“I suppose I would enjoy my oats if I had been starved so the dogs could have the meat off my back when I died.” She replied, and Mare nudged her again. Marianne grabbed a generous handful of grass and held it out for her.

Archer shook his head. “You are too softhearted, milady. Just be cautious not to feed her very much. Soon she will have to rely on the winter storage.”

Marianne sighed. “You are right.” And she allowed Mare to take one more bite before removing the hay from under her nose.

“Do you think her fit for a ride?”

She wished it could be so, herself on Mare, William riding beside her on Benedict, pleasant conversation and time alone when she told him of her pregnancy. If she indeed was pregnant.

Archer shook his head, disappointing her. “Nay. Perhaps in the spring when she has had more time to gather more than fat.”

The sound of James’s sneezing outside reminded her of her promise not to be long, but Marianne had trouble leaving.

Mare had become special to her. Marianne had hoped to have the comforting animal with her when she rode with William.

She would just have to choose another horse to ride when she told William the news. Waiting until spring would be much too long. By then he was certain to notice her filling belly and widening waist.

The thought brought a smile to her lips. William was a wonderful father to Blaise. He would enjoy having another child.

Her own father had been a questionable man in the end, but at least at Graystone Marianne and her child would have a good home.

She looked at Archer who had taken a seat on a stool to inspect Benedict’s legs, and she thought of his family. “When will Robert come to relieve you of your post?”

“Soon, milady.”

“How soon?”

He looked at her. “In a few minutes I should think.”

“Go to your family then, you have worked hard and should enjoy an early night.

His face twisted in horror at the idea. “I could not leave you here to tend the horses.” Even as he said it he stood up. Had he not known her so well he would have done no such thing, she was sure.

Marianne smiled and put her nose in the air. “I am telling you to go to your woman and retire to bed before you catch a chill like poor James.”

James outside sneezed violently three times the second the words left her lips.

She smiled at Archer, as if that alone had won Copyright 2016 - 2024