Lady Thief - By Rizzo Rosko Page 0,60

that troubles me.”

William told Bryce of his visit to Ferdinand, and the purchase of the servant women, and of the insinuation he received when the man spoke of Marianne. He added his suspicions over the way the older man gazed at his wife when they danced at the marriage celebration.

Bryce appeared thoughtful when the story was complete. “You believe he will have Marianne disappear as he did with Bertha?”


“It explains why you show a sudden interest in yer skills with a sword after all these years, and why I have had to call my name to have the gate opened even though the men know me by sight.” Bryce grinned. “Having the lady force your hand has not been such a bad thing it seems. All I see here are improvements to your fortress, and I’ve not seen you so pleased or demanding of your men in ages.”

William grinned. He had to agree, he enjoyed the noticeable improvements to his life brought on by Marianne’s presence. And he himself no longer passed his days wasting away. Now there was light in his heart instead of shadows, something he’d not experienced since Alice passed.

“Which only creates an anxious feeling in my gut should my fears of Ferdinand be justified.” William said.

Bryce rubbed his face. “‘Tis a conversation for Hugh, who could tell you the strategies Ferdinand could be planning. There is still nothing to have us believe yer wife is in any danger. Ye worry with hunches.”

“I worry with instinct, and we did not think Bertha was in any danger either.” William retorted.

Bryce raised a finger. “Bertha was a prostitute. Women of the fleshy pleasures go missing all the time.”

“Aye, but she was also a favorite of Ferdinand’s, and he dangled the knowledge of my … indiscretions with Bertha in front of me until the day Alice died. Nicholas assured me himself that Bertha never advertised her clientele when he sent me to her. How else could Ferdinand have come by that information?”

They came to the stone wall surrounding the keep and stopped. William leaned his back against the wall for support. He could not be more certain that Ferdinand wished his wife harm, and he refused to allow her to simply disappear like Bertha had.

Not wishing to argue further, Bryce asked, “Do ye believe Holton’s theft has something to do with Ferdinand?”

“I will need to find out soon.”

Chapter Twelve

“Has Molly seen him lazing around the castle?”

“Nay, milady, he seems to have disappeared.

Marianne deflated, allowing the servant girl to pass and return to her work. Marianne arrived at the stables with a flurry of questions in her mind. Her plan to ask them was dashed when she discovered Robert absent, and none of the other grooms or maids knew where he went.

A familiar burning pierced the back of her neck, she was being watched. Marianne slapped her hand over the spot and spun towards the only possible culprit.

“Will you kindly cease staring holes into my neck!”

James caught up with them after he realized they made off without him, and every time Marianne felt a hot spike or the prickle of spider legs against her neck her mood grew more intolerable.

James’s eyes were currently pointed toward the grass and dirt at his feet, having been warned before. “I am not staring, milady.”

Marianne knew she was being unfair but could barely contain herself. William would not follow her again. The last time he had she had not felt this uneasiness in her body.

Marianne shivered and scratched her neck, praying that no real spider fell onto her clothes and searched for a warm place to sleep in her hair.

She sighed when she searched with her fingers and found none. The threat of bugs removed, she returned to her former thoughts. “William should be with Bryce, we will find them so that I may speak with him.”

If she discovered he attached another squire to her leg she swore she would never allow her husband to touch her ever again.

Well, perhaps she would not be so cruel. She would allow him to touch her sometimes.

Olma raised her head hopefully. “Are we not speaking with Robert, milady?”

“For now, aye, but when I find him later I will ask my questions.”

Truthfully, Marianne found herself glad for the delay. The closer she came to the stables the more her courage dwindled.

Adam had warned her to not delve into such private matters, and now that she and William were finally on agreeable footing, it would not be wise to test Copyright 2016 - 2024