Lady Thief - By Rizzo Rosko Page 0,56

his heart desired. Almost everything, at least.

Something he desired had to be missing.

Still, the invitation brought ease back into her nerves. She returned his smile. “I would like that.”

He stood. Marianne’s entire being warmed as he pulled her to him. Her body drank in his heat like a woman who had been without water for days.

He encircled her with his arms, bent to press his mouth to her lips, and the sensation was complete.

She was not aware that he pulled away until he spoke. “I must warn you that my work is far from exciting, unless ye believe sitting and writing for hours on end is excitement. I shall bore ye into leaving.”

Marianne shrugged. “Aye, ‘tis likely, but I would still wish to be with ye.” She would not tell him that she planned to seduce him from his work.

He kissed her again.

Oh, how his mouth made her lips tingle! Marianne arched her back and lifted her head for a better position. Her breath left her. She nearly forgot that they had to leave for their own chamber.

William chuckled as her eager mouth refused to leave his. He put his hands against her shoulders and pushed just enough to part their mouths, though she clutched his tunic, keeping their bodies firmly together.

“Eager imp, perhaps I have been too generous with you in bed.”

Marianne stood straighter, interest and awe in her voice. “If ye have more generosity I would like to know of it.”

His laugh was throaty, a sound that warmed Marianne’s insides, and when he kissed her again he kept the contact of their lips brief. “Aye, there is more to show you, but for now we must go.”

He all but shoved her out the door, and though Marianne was disappointed and eager for their next coupling, she returned to her working self and called out an order to have the room they’d spent the night in cleaned.


Marianne splashed her face with the cool water brought to her while Olma aided her with her hair and gown. James waited to be useful outside her chamber door.

William returned to his solar before she was ready, claiming some excuse for needing to calculate the loss from the theft into his records.

Marianne was not certain how keeping ledgers and taxes worked, but his sudden disappearance was much more than the need to tend to his books.

When they returned to their chamber earlier, their true chamber, William seemed to lose control as he tried to undress her. She aided him with quick fingers, until Olma let herself into their chamber unannounced.

In his embarrassment, William fled, grumbling about servants who did not know their place and the lack of privacy afforded to a lord.

Marianne would have throttled Olma for her bad timing had the look on the poor girl’s face not been so laughable.

What was more, James stood behind her, and upon seeing Marianne with her gown nearly halfway down her shoulders he’d flung his hands in front of his eyes and turned away.

Marianne chided Olma, though ‘twas only half hearted. She was too content to remain angry. “From now on be sure to make yourself known before barging in wherever you like.”

Olma bobbed quickly, averting her eyes. “Aye, milady.”

Marianne had attempted to glare at her. She was not very successful. “And there shall be consequences should any other servants hear of the tale.”

Once the warning left her lips, Marianne wondered why she had made the threat. She was the wife of William, and should they be found in a passionate embrace then who could say ‘twas wrong?

“Actually, I take back my last command.”

Olma eyed her as if she had gone mad.

“You may tell whomever you wish of this event,” Marianne grinned like a young girl and raised her arms, no longer wishing to play the part of offended lady simply to keep the servants in line. “I do not care!”


Guy Holton had not returned the night before, or arrived the next morn to explain his sudden departure.

Marianne clenched her hands together. She despised the fact that her father was a thief, and according to Blaise, herself by association as well.

Marianne had hoped William’s knights would find him and bring with them the story of his innocence.

Instead, by late evening the next day they brought back naught but news that his tracks led to the former Holton House. Ferdinand denied that Holton ever came to him.

William allowed her to be with him in the great hall when his men returned empty handed.

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