Lady Thief - By Rizzo Rosko Page 0,46

a touch of regret over the circumstances, and Marianne released her hair and bit down on her fist to keep from gasping. Her insides felt like they did that time when she was a girl and jumped down the stairway in her old home. Her stomach, heart, and guts had all flopped into her throat. Only this time she stood still, not flying down a stone stairway.

A physical interest was all well and good, she liked it even, but how could she accept it as her only comfort?

She gave one last fleeting glance to William, who had seemingly forgotten the meeting of their eyes and grinned smugly over his generous deed. Marianne tightened her shawl around her shoulders and left to tell the cooks to prepare his meal. She could not face him yet, after the act of kindness he performed she knew she would burst into tears if he so much as said a word to her.


William hunted for Bryce when he escaped from the men and their wives, the unusual spring in his step brought on by retrieving their women soon disappeared as he remembered what he needed to do.

Strange how a small act of kindness towards a few servants could make him realize how brightly the sky shone on the chilly autumn day.

Then his thoughts returned to Ferdinand and the words the man spoke of, his unusual behavior to stay in a house just under a day’s ride from his castle, his hints towards William’s unspeakable past, and the frost in his voice when he spoke of the loss of his would-be wife.

Returning to his studies of the blade would now be for more than just to save face in front of his friends who frequently made his lack of skill known in their jokes, but he wanted to be prepared to defend himself and Marianne in the case that, that underhanded devil pulled a cruel stunt for revenge.

Men and women who’ve angered Ferdinand have been known to disappear, William knew this very well, having never forgotten it after the incident with the prostitute, poor Bertha, and he was going to prepare himself for the possibility of something dangerous. First, he needed to do one quick thing.

“Adam!” William called when he finally spotted him.

The man abruptly stopped, looked shocked at the sight of his master before bowing. He was running an errand outside the castle, probably hoping to see his woman as he was prone to sneak off and do when he felt there was naught better for him to work with. William decided not to mention it.

“Yes, milord?”

He struggled with the smirk on his lips, knowing this would displease Marianne and excited for her oncoming wrath.

“Find my wife, tell her that I have had time to think over my punishment for her lack of judgment when she rode off, and I have decided that she is now to have an escort.”

Adam blinked. “Does she not already have one, milord?”

“A male escort, but she is still to have Olma in her presence,” he quickly added. “James is about to be knighted so he will do, I would not want to deprive a knight of his apprentice unless I thought he would soon be ready.”

He also did not want Marianne to be suspicious of why she would be followed around by a knight. A squire would be a more believable prison keeper for the lady of the castle without arousing her worries.

Adam blinked again, and his expression fell at the prospect of telling his lady that she was soon to be shackled with another keeper. “Aye, milord, it shall be done.”

William nodded and went on his way. “Good, see to it then.”

“The lady will not be pleased, milord.”

William turned back to look at him. His expression had gone from forlorn to mildly fearful.

William grinned and continued walking. “I am well aware. I am going to train with Bryce, tell her where to find me should she wish a word.”


Marianne did not know how it was possible for her to have ever felt anything other than spite for the man. He infuriated her! Not only could she not leave the castle grounds, but now had to walk around with that little coward behind her.

A squire, soon to be knighted. Ha! The little fool could not even look her in the eye. She would feel sorry for him had he not been sent to guard her by her husband.

Now he trailed behind her, just ahead of Olma who followed too Copyright 2016 - 2024