Lady Thief - By Rizzo Rosko Page 0,36

until later, until he could speak with the man alone and ask him why he chose to pay a visit to his castle uninvited and without warning.

“I won’t be intruding on you for long.” Could be as much as several weeks. William did not know if he could take having that man under his roof for so long.

Having blood relatives stay for such a long period of time was enough of a problem, but Marianne was so happy at the mere thought that he could hold no rage inside of him that she did not ask for his permission to allow the man to stay.

She offered him as much time as he would like for God’s sake!

No matter, ‘twould seem that if he wanted answers he would have to wait, but not for long.

William turned to Archer. “Find Adam and have a room prepared with warm ale. The sun is out but the air is chilled.”

Holton shivered for emphasis. “Aye, ale would chase away this frost in my chest. Thank you, milord.”

At least, the man did not have the audacity to approach him and put his arm around William’s shoulder again. But hearing him declare that he had left his daughter in good hands, when he most certainly did not care if he left her in the forest, grated on William’s nerves.

William donned a friendly grin usually reserved for Bryce, Nicholas, or Hugh. He did not want to raise Marianne’s suspicions and ruin her happiness. He knew the man really did have the intention of visiting his daughter, but his hasty retreat at the marriage celebration, and his quick return riding an old animal in obvious need of maintenance was too odd for him to ignore.

He glanced at Archer and the other man from Holton House as they settled the old horses into spare stables. They watered and fed the poor beasts who were in no condition to drag anything. William’s suspicions grew.

“Perhaps we might have some ale together, and I might introduce you to a few colleagues of mine, provided that Bryce has not cut off someone’s limb, forcing the others to flee with him.”

William took great pride in watching the bit of skin under Holton’s eye twitch. Even though Bryce was capable of doing so, he would never be as barbaric as to remove someone’s rightful limb. Hugh had stamped such barbaric thoughts out of him years ago. But even still having Bryce nearby to frighten away the pests came in handy.

“Of course, milord.”


William brought Holton into his solar for the second time since he married the man’s daughter. Only this time, with as much gentle coaxing as he would have given to an indignant cat, William insisted Marianne remain outside while he spoke with her father.

William poured the ale and stiffly handed Holton his goblet.

He made a great show of accepting it and offering his thanks for the warm drink. Complimenting the taste of the ale that was actually quite bitter, and praising William’s generosity for allowing him to stay for the sake of Marianne.

William could take no more and hissed in a whisper. “I do not for one second believe that my wife has done as I asked and waited elsewhere. No doubt she is outside that door this very moment trying to hear what I have to say to you, so kindly keep quiet.”

Holton’s mouth dropped at being addressed so warmly the one moment and then spoken to like an unwanted stranger the next.

“My lord, I—”

“Kindly explain why you are really here, Holton. I do not take well to deceivers and will make a great show of throwing you out on your arse, whether or not your daughter wants you here, should you keep the truth from me.” William lowered his goblet from behind his writing table and stared at him levelly. Holton’s limbs trembled. “And I shall find the truth.”

Holton lifted the drink to his lips. William doubted he tasted the sour liquid as the man eyed the door behind which his daughter hid.

“Forgive me, milord, but I must inquire as to what leads you to believe I have an ulterior motive for being here? Should a man need one to visit his blood?”

William’s eyes narrowed, fist clenching around his goblet. “You try my patience. You leave the wedding celebration with haste, in your finest clothes and with enough men to guard a small fortune, and now you return posing as the adoring father, riding the most neglected animals I have ever seen with Copyright 2016 - 2024