Lady Thief - By Rizzo Rosko Page 0,15

I do!” He roared, coming forth but not passing the bed she hid behind. “Why should I cater to your emotions after you put us into this position? And even if the possibility of an annulment was still available to us, I would not allow you to have one even if you had not been so reckless, and foolish, and stupid as to kidnap the wrong man!”

A swelling ache built in her chest and rose up painfully, and Marianne put her hand to her throat to ease the building lump.

This was not what she wanted. She walked away from Ferdinand and into something just as horrible. Why was she such a fool?

William knew she had naught to give, nor any other excuses, but she would not surrender.

“I refuse,”

“Refuse?” His face exploded in red, fists clenched and shook at his sides.

Marianne watched, mixed fascination and fear as his veins popped up around his forehead and neck. She stepped back.

“Nonsense! I am your husband and you my wife. ‘Tis my right to demand this of you, and should I wish it I could walk over to where you stand and take you. You would have no one but yourself to blame.”

Marianne wished he were laughing again. That mockery would have been preferable to the anger she had to deal with now.

“You should think very carefully, Marianne,”

She tensed when he used her given name, lacing it with a cold and unforgiving hiss. Whatever patience he had with her had vanished.

He was still not finished with her. “My reputation would suffer incredibly, that much is true, but who would be forgiven for this should the truth raise its head? Myself or you? You are the culprit here and should I turn you out of my house I doubt very much that your father would welcome you back into his. Not for all the gold in the world, I would say.”

Marianne fought tears. The fight only worsened her sore throat and she was certain it gave her a red face.

Why did he have to be so infuriatingly correct? She had no choice in this matter. ‘Twas his right to ask for what was his and sinful that she should deny him, just as it had been sinful for her to disobey her father and Ferdinand and rush behind their backs like that to kidnap herself a husband. And look at the rewards that act bestowed upon her.


William took note of the helplessness of her stance as his words sunk in. The loosening of her shoulders and the enlightenment that showed in her face as she realized her defeat.

He knew she would give him what he wanted, but never before had he been brought so low as to force himself on the unwilling. No matter how much the woman in question richly deserved it.

His fists clenched at the thought, and the consequences she would suffer if he went through with such a plan were more than he wished to inflict upon her.

He regretted the anger he displayed to her, his cruel words and the fear he could see in her now. He could not punish her like this.

He crossed to the other side of the bed in two swift strides and lifted her chin. How strange to see it so low when he was used to having her thrust it in the air in that prim way at him.

She was nothing at all like Alice.

Perhaps Marianne’s courage in the church had been an act. A shame, really, since he rather liked her that way. The idea that she could be as mousey as every other woman he had ever met was nearly as infuriating as believing he had been cheated in a dice game without proof.

But then he recalled, only moments earlier bluntly refusing to give him what was rightfully his to take, and he changed his mind.

No, she was a courageous woman, bold and daring. She simply had no place to put it all. Right now, however, her pride had suffered a beating.

Damn if it was not killing him to not take her.

He could not help himself. He kissed her. He had to. He had not touched her like this since the day of their wedding when he forcefully pulled her mouth to his, and he had to experience it again. This time, however, he was sure to keep his touch light, his fingers threading through her hair unthreatening. He didn’t want her springing away on him again.

He was shocked when, after a moment, she Copyright 2016 - 2024