The Lady Has a Past (Burning Cove #5) - Amanda Quick Page 0,64

in the door.”

“What the hell?” Luther’s voice sharpened. “Someone tried to murder Lyra?”

“Yes. The hotel is insisting it was a terrible accident, and we’re pretending to go along with that story, but there’s no doubt it was a deliberate attempt to kill Lyra.”

“She’s in over her head. Get her out of there. Send her back to Burning Cove on the train.”

“I strongly suggested she leave Labyrinth Springs. She, uh, declined.”


“She won’t go, Luther. Says she’s got a job to do. Short of handcuffing her and driving her back to Burning Cove myself, there’s not much I can do except keep an eye on her. Besides, she’s got all the right instincts. People talk to her. She’s the one who convinced Draper to tell us everything tonight.”

Luther was silent for a moment. Then he exhaled heavily.

“Take care of her,” he said. “Raina will never forgive me if something happens to Lyra.”

Simon watched Lyra through the phone booth door. “Don’t worry, I won’t let her out of my sight. Can I count on you not to do anything drastic to Kevin Draper, assuming he decides to head for Burning Cove? At the moment he’s our only solid link to the gang. We need him alive, at least for now.”

“I’ll keep him alive as long as he’s useful. But if anything happens to Raina—”

“Understood. I explained that very carefully to Draper. There’s a good chance he won’t show up in Burning Cove anyway. He may decide to head for the border.”

“I’ll have my people watch for him. If he shows up they’ll make sure he doesn’t disappear. How can I reach you after I talk to Angela Merryweather?”

“Call the front desk. Ask them to give me a message about a sick relative. I’ll find a pay phone and call you back.”

“You don’t trust the hotel phones.”

“No. Draper says the gang has spies everywhere.”

“Maybe you should check out. Find a safer place to stay.”

“The answers are at the resort, Luther.”

“I understand. I don’t like it, but I understand. Just promise me you’ll take very good care of Lyra.”

Simon did not take his eyes off her. Determination and courage radiated from her in invisible waves of energy that he could sense even from several feet away. She was risking her life for a woman she barely knew, a woman with a murky past, and there was no way to stop her.

Lyra was reckless, impulsive, and complicated, but in that moment he knew that she would never betray those who trusted her. Somewhere inside him a fierce beast stirred and stretched out long talons.

“I’ll take care of her,” he vowed.

Chapter 30

Shit,” Simon hissed very softly. He yanked his gloved fingers off the doorknob. “That hurt.”

“Are you okay?” Lyra asked.

They were standing at the back door of the spa. Simon had insisted they both wear gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints. His were sleek driving gloves. She had been forced to use a pair of fashionable gauntlet-length gloves that she had brought for evening wear. Next time she would be sure to pack driving gloves.

“I’m fine.” Simon gingerly wrapped his fingers around the knob again. “I wasn’t expecting it to be so hot, that’s all.”

“I assume you’re talking about the special kind of heat that you can sense?” Lyra said.

“Leather gloves mute that sort of energy but they don’t block it entirely. Whoever went through this door last was worked up. Excited. Nervous. Enraged.” Simon paused. “The sensations came from at least two different people. Maybe three. Hard to tell.”

“Are they still inside?”

“I don’t think so. The heat isn’t red-hot. It’s a couple of hours old, but it’s muddy.”


“Some of it feels really twisted.” He reached down, opened the briefcase, and took out his gun and a lockpick. “Wait out here while I take a look around.”

Lyra’s first instinct was to argue, but common sense told her he was better equipped to go in first. He was the one with the gun. She added a pistol to the list of items she needed to purchase if she was going to stay in the investigation business.

Simon got the service door open. He moved into the heavily shadowed space and stood quietly for a moment. She felt energy shift in the atmosphere.

“This room is empty,” he said. He walked across the space to the interior door and opened it. He aimed his flashlight down the central hallway. “No one in the hall, either. You can come in. Bring the briefcase.”

She gripped the handle of the briefcase and tried to hoist Copyright 2016 - 2024