The Lady Has a Past (Burning Cove #5) - Amanda Quick Page 0,41

staff had explained that Madam Guppy personally interviewed and assessed the needs of every client who booked a treatment at the spa.

The receptionist had also confirmed that Frampton was the name of one of the treatment ladies who did facials. Lyra was pleased with herself. She had been in the spa for less than half an hour and she had already identified Frampton. The investigation was starting off well. She could hardly wait to tell Simon.

“My husband is in the antiquarian book business,” Lyra said. She waved a hand in a vague gesture. “He advises collectors and archivists. I find it all quite boring, but he is passionately devoted to his work. One might say he is obsessed with it. It is very difficult to convince him to take any time off, but a man can hardly avoid his own honeymoon.”

Edith cleared her throat. “I couldn’t help but notice that you are very fashionably dressed, Mrs. Cage. And I understand you and your husband booked the honeymoon suite, one of the most expensive in the hotel. A full day here at the House of Beauty is a rather pricey luxury. I didn’t realize there was a lot of money to be made in the book business.”

Lyra raised her brows ever so slightly. “My husband is descended from an established New York family. They’re in banking. Old money. My family has done quite well in shipping here on the West Coast. New money, but I find it spends just as easily. Not that it’s any of your business.”

Edith reddened beneath her masklike veneer of makeup. The high color was not a sign of embarrassment, Lyra decided. Guppy was annoyed. Evidently she was not accustomed to being treated in such a high-handed manner.

Lyra smiled, a deliberately cool smile. She could play the frivolous, shallow, arrogant society lady role as well as anyone. She had been raised in the exclusive social world of San Francisco. People had no trouble buying the image she projected when she went into the act. She was not sure how she felt about that. On the one hand, it made a great cover here at the Labyrinth Springs resort. But knowing that others were so quick to conclude she actually was shallow, self-centered, and probably not very bright was irritating.

“Speaking of your overpriced spa,” she said, “I booked the full-day package, which includes a facial.”

“All of our packages include a facial,” Edith said. “My spa is well-known for them. We offer several different versions. Each is scientifically designed for specific skin needs. Good skin is one of a woman’s most important assets.”

“I agree, and I am very particular about my facials,” Lyra continued. “In fact, I would like to request a certain treatment lady for that service today.”

Edith frowned. “Which one?”

“I believe her name is Miss Frampton. She was highly recommended to me by a friend in San Francisco who spent a few days here at the resort some months back. She assured me that Miss Frampton gave her the best facial she has ever had. Said her skin positively glowed afterward.”

“Miss Frampton is highly qualified,” Edith said. “But according to your chart, another equally skilled treatment lady, Miss Drake, has been assigned to you today.”

“I would prefer Miss Frampton.”

“I’m afraid she’s fully booked.”

“In that case,” Lyra said, “I’ll reschedule my spa day. Perhaps Miss Frampton will be free tomorrow.”

She rose and collected her handbag.

Edith practically leaped up out of her chair and came around the end of the desk. “That’s quite all right, Mrs. Cage. I’ll see about rearranging Miss Frampton’s schedule today. I’m sure it won’t be a problem.”

“Thank you.”

“We do try to accommodate our clients,” Edith said. Her vivid blue eyes sparked with barely concealed irritation. “Follow me, please.”

Not waiting for a response, she opened the door of the office and stepped out into a hallway carpeted in violet. The corridor was a long one. It was lined with treatment rooms on both sides.

Some of the doors were open. Lyra glanced into the rooms as she went past. She saw massage tables covered in violet sheets. In other rooms there were bizarre metal and electrical devices that she knew were designed to stimulate and tighten various portions of the female body. One door was marked Paraffin Bath. It was closed. The little sign out front announced that a treatment was in progress.

Midway down the hall a door opened and a treatment lady stepped out. Lyra caught a glimpse of a woman lying on a table. Copyright 2016 - 2024