The Lady Has a Past (Burning Cove #5) - Amanda Quick Page 0,30

inheritance. He was going to take over my father’s shipping company. I planned to help him run it. What could possibly go wrong? you may well ask.”

A slow, knowing smile briefly transformed Simon’s features. “You planned to help him run your father’s company?”

She unfolded her arms and exhaled a long sigh. “Okay, you’ve got me. I had my heart set on taking over Brazier Shipping, but it had become clear that my father was never going to be convinced that a woman could run the firm. I also knew Hamilton well enough to realize he had no real interest in the business.”

“So you figured you could get control of the company if you married Prince Charming?”

“It seemed the perfect solution. Hamilton is smart, funny, very handsome, and an excellent kisser. We had a lot of fun together. So, yes, it would have been something of a marriage of convenience for both of us, but I convinced myself I loved him. I fully intended to honor my vows. I expected him to be sincere, too.”

“You got conned.”

She frowned. “No, I don’t think so. Hamilton was fond of me. I think that, in his own way, he really did care for me.”

“You got conned,” Simon repeated, ruthless.

“In hindsight, I think I’m the one who conned Hamilton, and myself, as well.”

“Huh. An interesting perspective. You may be right.”

“Regardless, it all worked out for the best, because it forced me to face reality. I am now on a new and much more exciting path. There. I told you my story. Your turn. Did you find your fiancée in bed with someone else?”

“Maybe she found me in bed with someone else,” Simon said.

“Not likely.”

“Because I’m too dull and boring to get involved in an illicit affair?”

“I have no idea if you would allow yourself to be drawn into an affair. After the mistake I made with Hamilton, I do not consider myself a great judge of men, not when it comes to their ethics and morals. But I am quite capable of judging their intelligence.”

“What does my intelligence have to do with my morals?”

Simon sounded bemused, bewildered, and fascinated now.

“You wouldn’t get caught in the act unless you wanted that to happen,” she explained patiently. “You’re too smart and too careful.” She drummed her fingers on the windshield frame. “Still, that does bring up the question, doesn’t it? Which was it? You caught her, or you made sure she caught you because you wanted her to end things?”

“Neither. Gloria decided I was either a professional con artist who was out to take advantage of her or simply delusional. She couldn’t decide if I ought to be arrested or committed to an asylum for the insane.”

Chapter 13

Lyra stared at him, wide-eyed, astonished, shocked.

Simon wasn’t sure if he should be satisfied or alarmed. It was obvious that it took a lot to set her back on her heels. For the first time since they had left Burning Cove he felt at least somewhat back in control of the conversation. It was as if he had temporarily regained his balance, barely avoiding a hard fall, but was still on the tightrope.

Lyra, being Lyra, recovered fast. She gave him an accusing glare. “You said that to rattle my nerves. Admit it.”

“Yes,” he said. “But it also happens to be the truth.”

In some perverse way he was enjoying the moment. He would no doubt regret it later, but, damn, at least he’d managed to pull her up short for a while. Not that she would learn her lesson. It wouldn’t be long before he once again found himself struggling to keep up with her.

He had gone to Burning Cove hoping to find a fast woman, and he had found her. He just hadn’t expected to end up with a lady who moved at lightning speed in unpredictable directions. This was probably one of those be-careful-what-you-wish-for situations, he decided.

Lyra settled back into her seat, the shock factor already giving way to curiosity. “Tell me about the delusions.”

“It involves my ability to detect frauds and forgeries,” he said. “I let people think I’m good at the work because of my extensive study and research and my vast experience.”

“But you don’t have any of those things?”

“Well, in my own defense I can say that I’ve spent enough time in academic and private libraries during the past few years to pick up a lot of the fancy language that goes with the antiquarian book business. I know how to sound like a pro. Want Copyright 2016 - 2024