The Lady Has a Past (Burning Cove #5) - Amanda Quick Page 0,109

“Dr. Tinsley and Simon have a long history together. First time they’ve seen each other in months. I got the feeling they need to have a private conversation, so I thought I’d leave them to it.”

Amalie raised her brows. “Men aren’t always very good at those sorts of conversations.”

“Well, I’m very good at getting those sorts of conversations started. It’s up to them to finish this one.”

“I had a feeling that this meeting was more than just a routine business discussion. Dr. Tinsley has been very anxious ever since he arrived. He called the Burning Cove Hotel first. When he was told that Mr. Cage had checked out, he looked so lost and forlorn that I felt I had to point him in your direction. I had a hunch Mr. Cage might be eating breakfast at your place.”

Lyra smiled. “Because everyone knows he spent the night with me?”

“Burning Cove is a small town. When it comes to gossip it can hold its own with small towns everywhere.”

“I’ve learned that.”

“Between you and me, I think Dr. Tinsley was afraid Mr. Cage wouldn’t show up for the appointment this morning.”

Lyra glanced at the stairs that led up to the floor above. “They have a few things to work out, but I’m almost positive it will go reasonably well.”

Amalie’s eyes flashed with amusement. “You’re that good when it comes to getting people to talk?”

“Some would say it’s a talent.”

“Everyone has one. Sometimes it just takes a while to figure out what it is. Can I interest you in another cup of tea while you wait for the men to finish that private conversation?”

“Sounds great, thank you.”

Amalie floated out from behind the desk. “Let’s go into the tearoom.”

Lyra followed her. “Is it true that Dr. Tinsley’s detector picked up a lot of paranormal energy here in your inn?”

“So he claims. A lot of it was probably laid down by my husband.”

“Mr. Jones?”

“He’s literally a human lie detector. It’s a very disconcerting talent.”

“Really? I would think it would be quite useful.”

“Matthias tells me the problem is that everyone lies. As far as he’s concerned, it’s intent that matters.”

“That’s very interesting. Simon has an ability to sense emotions infused into objects.”

“He can do that?”

“If the energy is strong enough.”

Amalie walked into the small tearoom. “I think you and I have a lot to talk about.”

“I believe we do,” Lyra said.

She and Amalie were deep into a conversation about their new careers when Simon appeared in the doorway of the tearoom.

“Am I interrupting anything?” he asked.

“No, I should be getting back to the office,” Lyra said.

“And I’ve got some work to do,” Amalie said. “Lyra, it’s been a pleasure. We must get together again soon. Perhaps the four of us—you and Mr. Cage, Matthias and I—could meet for drinks at the Paradise soon?”

“That would be lovely,” Lyra said. “We’ll look forward to it, won’t we, Simon?”

He gave her a bemused smile. “Sure.” He turned to Amalie. “Do you think your cook might be willing to give me the recipe for her shortbread cookies?”

Amalie laughed. “Of course.”

A few minutes later Lyra and Simon walked out the front door of the inn and got into the Cord.

“Out of curiosity, do you happen to have read Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People?” Simon asked.

“No,” Lyra said. “Why do you ask?”

Simon laughed and fired up the big engine. “Never mind.”

“How did things go with Dr. Tinsley? Are you going to help him with his demonstration?”

“Yes.” Simon put the car in gear and drove down the long drive toward Ocean View Lane. “I don’t think he and the others in that new laboratory will get far with their paranormal research but I do agree that Otto is serious about studying extrasensory perception. He’s too old to be on the road all the time. It will be good for him to settle down and devote himself to what he sees as his life’s work. The college he hopes will employ him is in L.A.”

“Not far away.” Lyra smiled. “That’s good. Let’s invite him to join us for dinner at the Burning Cove Hotel tonight.”

“You know, people used to accuse me of being a recluse, but lately my social calendar seems to be filling up fast.”

“That happens when you’ve got friends and family.”

“I seem to have acquired a lot of both recently.”

“And you haven’t even met my parents,” Lyra said.

“Trying to scare me?”

“Nope. Wouldn’t be possible. You’re an agent of Luther Pell’s Failure Analysis, Inc. You catch bad guys for a living and you’ve got serious paranormal talent. Nothing scares you.”

“You’re wrong,” Simon said. “One thing scares the hell out of me.”


“The possibility that I might have misunderstood you earlier when you said you loved me and that you’d marry me.”

“Don’t worry, your hearing is just fine. I’ve been waiting a very long time for you to show up, Simon Cage. Now that you’ve arrived I’m not about to let you get away. We can make things legal with a courthouse ceremony this week. When my parents get home from London they’ll insist on a big reception in San Francisco, but I’ll convince them to combine it with the one they plan to give Vivian and Nick.”

Simon smiled. “You move fast, lady.”

“I seem to recall that was the kind of woman you were hoping to find here in Burning Cove.”

“Yes,” he said. “I got the lady I was looking for.”

She smiled. “One with a past.”

“And a future,” he said. “With me.”

He drove down Ocean View Lane and made a left onto Cliff Road, heading back toward town. The pavement followed the cliffs above the sparkling Pacific. Lyra savored the warm, golden light of the California sun and thought about the future. A joyful sense of wonder welled up from somewhere deep inside. For a moment she was too dazzled to speak. When she found her voice, she turned in the seat.

“We’re home, Simon,” she said.

“Yes, we are,” he said. “Wasn’t sure what it would look like if I ever found it. Turns out you know it when you see it.”

About the Author

Amanda Quick is a pseudonym for Jayne Ann Krentz, the author, under various pen names, of more than fifty New York Times bestsellers. There are more than 35 million copies of her books in print. She is also the author of the Ladies of Lantern Street novels and the Arcane Society series.

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