Lady Alexandra's Lover (Sex and the Season #3) - Helen Hardt Page 0,96

said, his head bowed.

“It doesn’t sound like any of it was your fault, Evan,” the earl said. “I’m just glad everyone is all right. I must see to my wife.” He strode up the stairs.

Evan stood with his cane. He was exhausted and filled with disappointment in himself. He had strived to look after Iris’s daughters, and he had failed miserably. And he’d fallen in love with one of them. Once Alexandra was able, he would speak to her and beg her forgiveness. Even if she wouldn’t take him back, at least she would recover. That was the most important thing.

He took to his own chamber and slept for the rest of the day and well into the night.

* * *

Ally woke the next day to find her mother at her side.


“Yes, my darling. We returned yesterday. My God, what did that barbarian do to you?”

“It’s all right,” she choked out. “I’ve endured…worse.”

Iris nodded. “I know you have, Ally, and I’m so sorry.”

“There was nothing you could do, Mama.”

“I did what I could. Please believe that.”

Ally’s heart filled with love. For once, she truly did understand what her mother had endured to keep her and Sophie as safe as possible. “I do believe you. Truly.”

Iris’s eyes filled with tears. “I thought these days were over. I thought…”

“I’m going to be fine.”

She nodded. “Yes, I know.” She let out a yawn.

“Mother, when is the last time you slept?”

“For a few hours yesterday afternoon. I’ve been with you most of the night.”

“Please, go. I’ll be fine. Get some rest. Spend some time with your new husband.”

“I’ve spent the last month with him. Now is for you.”

“Please. I just need to rest.”

“If you insist.” Iris kissed Ally’s forehead. “I’ll be back to check on you in a few hours.”

Ally yawned as her mother left. She hadn’t dared say anything. She wasn’t sure what Sophie had told their mother. Before she could ring for a maid to summon Sophie, a knock sounded on the door, and in walked Evan, limping with a cane and holding a leather-bound book in his other hand. He set the book on her bed table.

Oh, no. Well, she’d have to deal with this sooner or later. Lord, surely she looked a fright.

He strode quickly to her bedside. “My love, I’m so sorry.”

My love? Had she heard correctly? She opened her mouth, but he stopped her.

“Please, this is all my fault.”

His fault? “What?”

“You went there because…because I didn’t believe you, didn’t you?”

She nodded shakily. “I’m sorry, Evan.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for. I should have believed you when you professed your innocence. If I could, I’d kill the man who did this to you.”

“He’s already dead.”

“Lucky for him.”


“No, please let me finish.”

She wanted to hear what he had to say more than anything, but first she needed to know what he and Sophie had told their parents.

“Please, Evan. Just tell me what our parents know. Do they know about my…writing?”

Evan shook his head. “No. We told them everything except why you went to the print shop that day. We said you had gone on an errand for me, to pick up some documents.”

She heaved a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

“They’re terribly worried about you.”

She nodded. “I know.”

“As am I.”

“I’ll be fine, Evan. I’ve been through worse.”

Evan frowned, his eyes sunken and sad. “That doesn’t make me feel any better. This is truly my fault, Alexandra.”

“How in the world could it be your fault?”

“If I had believed you, trusted in you, I would have known you had nothing to do with publishing The Ruby. You swore you didn’t, yet I didn’t believe you.”

“It’s still not your fault. My actions these past few weeks haven’t inspired a lot of trust.”

“But if I had trusted you, you wouldn’t have gone there.”

Ally’s heart warmed. “I might have anyway, to find out who was behind this. After all, Sophie was kidnapped and you were shot. You didn’t expect me to just sit idly by and let that happen.”

Evan let out a chuckle. “No. I do know you better than that.”

Ally smiled, and then grimaced. “Ouch.”

“My love?”

“Sorry, it just hurts to smile.”

“You poor thing. And your smile is so beautiful too.”

She tried again…and failed.



“I don’t deserve your forgiveness, and I’m completely unworthy of you, but if you’ll forgive me…”

“I forgive you, Evan, if you’ll forgive me.”

“For what?”

“For being such a pain. I was truly horrible. And then insisting upon marrying Mr. Landon when I was in love with you. I was a ninny. A true Copyright 2016 - 2024