Lady Alexandra's Lover (Sex and the Season #3) - Helen Hardt Page 0,93

soon to see Evan. We will have him examine you as well.”

“I don’t need a doctor. This is no worse than when—”

“Yes, I know.” Sophie nodded. “But we have a doctor now. We have money for your care, and you will damned well see him.”

Ally couldn’t help grinning at her sister’s curse. Sophie must be serious. “Oh, don’t make me smile, Sophie. It hurts.”

“You need to rest. Perhaps in a few hours, if you are feeling a little better, you can tell me what happened.”

Ally nodded. Might as well give Sophie some solace. Of course, she had no intention of telling anyone what had transpired.

She drifted off again.

* * *

“Well, my lord, I’d say everything is looking good.” Dr. Stanton snapped his black medical bag shut.

“That is good news,” Evan said. “When will I be up and around, other than to use the convenience?”

“It’s only been a few days, my lord. You’re strong and healthy and are healing very quickly. However, you must use caution. I recommend nothing strenuous. In other words, do not leave the house… In fact, do not leave the bedchamber unless you absolutely must.”

Damn. He really needed to get back to work and find out who was behind the printing of The Ruby. Other than Alexandra, of course.

“You’ll be pleased to know that your stepsister should fully recover as well.”

Evan jolted and sat straight up in bed. “Excuse me?”

“Yes, Lady Alexandra. I examined her just before I came to see you.”

His heart fired rapid beats. “What are you talking about? What happened to Alexandra?”

“You mean, you didn’t know?”

“Do I look like I have any clue what you’re talking about?”

“I’m so sorry. Lady Alexandra was beaten badly. However, she is strong and healthy like you. She will be fine.”

Rage surged through Evan. Who had laid a hand on Alexandra? He’d kill whoever was responsible. He winced as he swung his legs over the side of the bed.

“And just where do you think you’re going?” the doctor asked.

“I’m going to see Alexandra, of course.”

“Lady Alexandra is resting comfortably. She’s asleep right now. She should not be disturbed. I assure you she is fine and will recover.”

“No one will keep me from her!”

“I don’t think anyone is going to keep you from her, my lord. However, your visit with Lady Alexandra will have to wait until later, perhaps when you are both fully awake.”

Evan stood and grimaced. A pain shot through his thigh. “I don’t care if she’s not awake. I need to see her. Where’s that blasted cane you brought me last time?” He looked around and spied the walking stick in the corner.

“I can see no one will talk you out of this.” Dr. Stanton retrieved the cane and handed it to Evan. “Please do not disturb her, and please get back here as soon as possible and continue resting.”

Evan left his bedchamber, pain lancing through his leg, and walked down the hall to Alexandra’s room. He knocked quietly. A few seconds later, Sophie came to the door.

“Evan! What are you doing here? You should be resting.”

“I assure you, I am fine. Why was I not informed of Alexandra’s condition?”

“We didn’t want to disturb you.”

“Disturb me? Are you daft? I love this woman.”

Sophie smiled. “The doctor assures us she will be fine. Trust me, Evan, I have seen her in…worse condition.”

Evan’s heart nearly broke at Sophie’s words. “Please, I must see her. I need to know for myself that she is all right.”

Sophie opened the door wider. “Come in, then. But be quiet. She is sleeping, and I don’t want her woken.”

Evan stumbled past Sophie to Alexandra’s bed. She lay, breathing rapidly, her beautiful face marred with blue and purple contusions. Her eyes were swollen. He shuddered. Those bruises might as well have been on his own body. He felt the agony of every single one of them.

“Who did this to her?” Evan said through clenched teeth.

“I’m afraid we don’t know. She hasn’t been awake long enough to tell me or anyone.”

“I don’t accept that. We must know something.”

“Only that she was brought home last night in a hansom cab. Woods said that two men had paid the cabbie.”

“Where had she come from?”

“The cabbie didn’t say. It probably didn’t occur to Woods to ask.”

“Goddamn it! I’ll have him removed from service.”

“No, Evan, please don’t. It’s not Woods’s fault.”

Evan breathed in and let out a long sigh. Woods had been with the family for years. But God, he should have thought…

“When I find out who did this to Copyright 2016 - 2024