Lady Alexandra's Lover (Sex and the Season #3) - Helen Hardt Page 0,91

and her body weakened and throbbed. She couldn’t take much more. She was on the verge of losing consciousness. Just as well. Sleep would give her peace.

Evan. She could dream of Evan…

“Move away from the lady, now!”

Not a voice she recognized… Images were all grey. Eyes…wanted…to close…

Had Osborne stopped punching her? Her body had gone numb. Her eyes were slits. Darkness had fallen. No light.

Again the voice. “Move away from the lady, or I will shoot.”

Confessions of Lady Prudence

by Madame O

Dearest Amelia,

I must confess that neither I nor Christophe pretend to have art lessons anymore. I guess he got over his need to give me what my auntie is paying for. In fact, at our last lesson, he suggested that we have an orgy. Can you even imagine? He asked me to arrange for Hattie and Lars to be available and he would bring himself and Mr. Peck, and perhaps one other if he could arrange it. Does that not sound absolutely delicious?

So I have that in the works.

In the meantime, during our last “lesson,” which took place in my chamber, Christophe educated me on the “back door.”

As you know, Lars had already breached me there, and the sensation, while painful at first, turned out to be something different and amazing. It’s a wonder that you and I never experimented in that way with Broderick and Miles. I think we all would have enjoyed it.

“You will enjoy this kind of fucking, my lady,” Christophe said to me with a wicked smile. “I’ve found that the only ladies who don’t enjoy it are those who haven’t tried it.”

I confess, Amelia, that I was quite frightened. A finger is one thing…but a cock? Good mercy, and Christophe, Lars, and Mr. Peck are all quite large!

We undressed, and Christophe turned me over so I was on my hands and knees on my bed. I jerked when he slid his tongue between my arse cheeks. It caused no pain, of course, and I expected it, but still I lurched. The sensation overwhelmed me—such a private forbidden place, yet I quivered with elation.

“Do you trust me, my lady?”

“Of course I do,” I said.

“Good. We must have trust for this to work. Relax, my lady. Let me soften you. We will go slowly. That will ensure your enjoyment.”

I breathed in calmly and let it out on a sigh. Slow was good. But fast was better. I wanted to experience all the pleasure that life had to offer…and he wanted to go slowly!

I gritted my teeth and nodded. He knew best, of course.

“Your arsehole is nice and wet now, my lady. Relax, and I will get it ready for penetration.”

I breathed in deeply again, as he rubbed my opening with his finger.

“Yes, my lady, such a lovely arse. Relax.”

He breached me.

And I jolted again. The agony of the penetration surged through me, but Christophe eased my tension with soothing words and a lovely massage to my buttocks.

Oh, the burn, Amelia! But as I relaxed my muscles and he glided his finger in and out of my hole, my cunny began to respond.

I wish I could describe it, Amelia. It’s different than a finger in your pussy. The fact that it’s so naughty makes it all the more enticing, but the feeling, the sensation…there’s nothing like it. It’s an alien feeling, intensely delicate, unnatural yet amazingly natural.

I wanted more, Amelia, but when I opened my mouth to voice my need, he began playing with my cunny with his other hand.

And I exploded.

Chapter 23

Someone had come for her. Who could it be? With all the restraints, she lifted her eyelids as much as she could. Everything was blurry, but four figures emerged in her sight—Osborne and three other men. One looked vaguely familiar.

Osborne lifted his hand. “Hey, mate, I don’t want any trouble.”

“Any man who hits a woman deserves trouble,” the man with the gun said.

“Who the fuck are you?”

“Move away from the lady, and I’ll tell you.”

Osborne edged away from Ally.

The man nodded to the others. “Take care of her. Get her some help.”

Two men unbound Ally.

“Are you all right, madam?” one asked.

Ally couldn’t answer. She could barely nod her head.

“We need to get you home. Can you tell us where you live?”

Ally tried to form the words, but she couldn’t.

“Ryland! She can’t talk. We’ll have to take care of her.”

Ryland? The man who’d taken Sophie had been named Ryland. Sophie had told her. Ally tried to scream, but still, nothing came out.

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