Lady Alexandra's Lover (Sex and the Season #3) - Helen Hardt Page 0,9

to a fault. But the bed was large enough for both of them, and no reason existed for him to be uncomfortable. They were both bruised and battered and deserved a good night’s rest, even if it was to be on an old lumpy mattress.

“There is no need for that. We can both lie on the bed.”

“It would not be proper.”

“Under these circumstances, it is certainly proper. You’re tired and hurt. The hard floor will not be good for your injuries.”

Ally strode to the bed and lay down, moving to the far side to make room for Evan. She turned to face the wall and closed her eyes.

After a few moments, the bed shifted with Evan’s weight.

Now, how would she sleep a wink with a handsome man next to her?

* * *

Sleeping turned out not to be an issue after all. Ally woke to a cold drop of water on her forehead. “Oh!” She sat up and looked toward the ceiling. A leak! And right over the bed, no less.

She looked down and gasped. Her breasts were exposed! The toga had loosened off her shoulder during the night. She turned. Evan was gone. She hastily reattached her toga and stretched, moving away from the leak in the roof. She’d have to move the bed forward a bit to escape the leak. But could she do it herself?

She braced herself to push the bed slightly when Evan entered, a mass of unruly wetness in his riding outfit.

Ally’s cheeks warmed. Surely he must have seen her breasts when he got up this morning. The thought intrigued her, and her nipples tightened against the linen.

Well, nothing to be done now.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Moving the bed a bit. There’s a leak that was dripping on me.”

He looked up. “I see. Not a huge problem. I’ll move it and then find a basin to catch the water. I’m honestly surprised there’s only one leak in this old shack. By the way, there’s a privy about fifty yards behind the house.”

She did need to see to her necessities. But she could hardly walk outside in the downpour in her toga. She’d have to dress.

“Were your clothes dry this morning?” she asked.

“Still moist, but I had to go out and see about food.”

Her stomach jumped. “And?”

“Nothing. There are rabbits and fowl around, but they’re all in hiding with the storm, and I’ve nothing to kill them with anyway.”

Her heart sank as her tummy rumbled. Blood pudding was sounding even better this morning.

“I did gather some fresh water for you.” He went to the door and lugged in the slipper tub. “There’s a dipper on the table.”

Fresh water did sound good. She was parched. After she’d quenched her thirst, she looked at her clothing. Still quite wet.

“Is there anyone around here?”

“Not that I could see. We’re quite isolated, and the fog hasn’t yet lifted. I thought to try to find our valises, but in the fog I honestly don’t know which way to go, and they could have been thrown anywhere. They’re likely ruined by now anyway.”

“Well, I hardly see the point in putting these wet garments back on to go to the privy and get them wetter. I’ll simply wear my drawers and chemise. They’ll dry quickly.”


“For goodness’ sake, you just said no one is around. Look the other way if it blemishes your eyes.”

She hurriedly donned her drawers and chemise and headed out to the privy. She took care of necessities and returned drenched, her thin garments clinging to her and leaving nothing to the imagination.

Evan had changed back into his toga and was building a fire in the stove. “Not much wood in here, and I’d be hard-pressed to find anything dry to make a fire with out of doors until this rain lets up.” He turned, and his cheeks turned crimson. “Er…Alexandra…”

“Look away, why don’t you? Did you expect me to stay dry? It’s a veritable swamp out there.”

He turned and grunted.

“And for the last time, please call me Ally.” She discarded her sopping underclothes, shook off as best she could, dried with another linen, and replaced her toga. “You may turn around now.”

Evan sat down at the table. “Please, sit.”

Ally joined him.

“We need to decide what to do,” Evan said. “Once this rain lets up, I’ll go for help. It can’t last much longer.”

“You will not leave me here alone! I’ll go with you.”

“That’s silly. You’re perfectly safe here, and you will just slow me down. With the fog, I can’t Copyright 2016 - 2024