Lady Alexandra's Lover (Sex and the Season #3) - Helen Hardt Page 0,86

you for your concern. However, I’m afraid I do not have the time to visit.”

“But my lady, I was so hoping to finish our conversation. I would consider it a great honor if you would consent to be my wife.”

Mere weeks ago, Ally would have been delighted. Right now, all she could think of was her true love, Evan, who currently wanted nothing to do with her. The old Ally would have jumped at this proposal. Not today’s Ally. She was done with Mr. Landon. She intended to marry only one man, and he was in his bedchamber upstairs.

“Mr. Landon, I am indeed flattered by your offer, but I’m afraid that the sun has set on our time together.”

“You mean, you don’t wish to marry me?”

Ally shook her head. “No, and I’m truly sorry. I have enjoyed our time together.”

Mr. Landon returned her smile, and was that actually a look of relief on his handsome features?

“I am disappointed, my lady, but I do wish you well.” He bowed again.

“And I you, Mr. Landon.” An idea came to her. “Might I ask you a quick favor?”

“Of course, my lady, anything.”

“Could you give me a ride in your coach a couple of blocks into town where I might hail a hansom cab?”

“I can do better than that, my lady. It would be my honor to escort you to wherever you’re going myself.”

What would be the harm? He probably knew Evan owned the printing business, and it would not be unusual for Ally to go there. “Mr. Landon, I would be most appreciative. Thank you.”

When they arrived, Mr. Landon helped Alexandra alight.

“I thank you for the lift, Mr. Landon. And I do hope there will not be any awkwardness between us as we both go about our lives.”

“Of course not, my lady. I hope to see you at many events in the future. Please always save a dance for me.”

Ally smiled and blew him a kiss as he left. Then she turned and walked forward.

She drew in a deep breath, opened the door to the printing house, and strode in confidently.

Confessions of Lady Prudence

by Madame O

Amelia, all the licking and sucking, cocks and pussies everywhere. It was pure heaven, I tell you. Christophe grabbed me first and pressed his lips to mine. We kissed with fervor, our tongues whirling, twirling, dueling, my skin tingling all over, my pussy wet and hot.

Hattie was still bound to the bed. Lars unfastened her and turned her over, entering her swiftly from behind. She shrieked as he pounded her.

Christophe released me and positioned me in front of Hattie. “Lick Lady Prudence’s pussy, Hattie.”

I’d dreamed of this moment since I first seduced Hattie, Amelia, but she shied away.

“Don’t be timid, dear Hattie,” said I. “We shall both enjoy this. I promise you.”

She smiled and bent to her work. Her tongue was silken, Amelia. I’m not sure I’d ever felt any sensation quite like it. She licked my folds gently, so unlike Lars or Christophe. Tingles shot through me, and I nearly shattered.

Christophe straddled me, the tip of his cock nudging my lips. I opened for him gladly, taking him into my mouth. We were all joined, Amelia. Lars pounding Hattie, Hattie eating me, and me sucking Christophe. It was pure hedonistic pleasure.

I wanted to cry out, to scream all their names and tell them of the wonderful pleasure they were giving me, but my mouth was full of Christophe’s cock. I sucked him to the back of my throat, his knob nudging my tonsils. I grabbed his buttocks, kneading his muscular arse as he pounded into my mouth.

Hattie continued to eat me, her silky tongue pleasuring me like no other. When she forced a finger into my wet cunt, I nearly climaxed then and there. Such a slender little finger, Amelia, but the feeling was indescribable. She continued to fuck me with her finger as she sucked on my clitoris. I moaned, groaned, Christophe’s cock still filling my mouth. As much as I adored sucking his cock, I wanted to be able to see Hattie eating me and Lars behind her, fucking her. But imagination is almost as good, dear Amelia, and the images in my head made me so hot.

I brought my hands to Christophe’s cock and added them to the pleasure I was giving him. Soon he groaned and pumped into my mouth, spilling his seed down my throat. No sooner had I swallowed than my own climax came to me, and I shattered over Hattie’s Copyright 2016 - 2024