Lady Alexandra's Lover (Sex and the Season #3) - Helen Hardt Page 0,48

the repast was bone white with silver trim. Their tablecloth was fine tatted lace.

No, the St. Clairs did not appear to be in any type of financial straits. Still, Ally had her sights set on Mr. Landon. Very few peers were as wealthy as he, and she had already put a lot of time into her conquest. Starting over now would be a waste of her valuable time.

Evan, who sat across the table from her, hardly looked her way. He talked estate business with his brother and the earl. Ally found it odd that Brooks did not join in, but he seemed content to engage in small talk with her. However, she was finding it tiring. By the time the cheese tray arrived, she was uncomfortable and really wanted to leave.

When the dreaded meal finally ended, she looked forward to a few moments to chat with the ladies while the men retired for cigars and port. However, Brooks came up behind her and touched her on the elbow.

She turned. “Yes?”

“Lady Alexandra, I would be most pleased if you would accompany me to the back terrace.”

“Don’t you intend to join the gentlemen for a cigar?”

“Honestly, I never did develop the taste for tobacco. And I find port far too sweet. I do enjoy a good cognac, but frankly, I would relish the chance to talk to you a bit more and get to know you better.”

Ally fidgeted. Really, she should not accompany him. They would be unchaperoned, although this was his residence. Of course, when had she let the lack of a chaperone stop her?

“I’m afraid it would not be proper, my lord. Lord Evan would never allow it.” At least that was the truth.

“My lady, it was Lord Evan’s idea.”

“What?” Ally clenched her fists at her side, her breathing coming faster. Evan? Stiff and conventional Evan? And then it hit her like an anvil punching her in the stomach.

He had been serious. He meant to marry her off. So that was why Brooks had been so attentive at dinner.

“Why, yes. He suggested that I show you the terrace. In fact, he insisted upon it.”

“Oh, he did, did he?” Ally smiled sweetly. “Then we mustn’t disappoint him.” She tucked her arm in his. “Please, my lord, I would love to accompany you to the terrace. I’m sure it will be most enchanting.”

* * *

Evan’s insides twisted as, out of the corner of his eye, he saw John Brooks leading Alexandra to the back terrace. Why had he thought for a moment that she would refuse him? Of course she wouldn’t. He was a first son, heir to a title and to the money and estate the title commanded.

Evan hadn’t had a chance to peruse The Ruby yet, and he couldn’t be sure the papers did belong to Alexandra. But where else would she have gotten the name Prudence Spofford? It was hardly a common name. Damn it all to hell. She did seem to know a lot about the pleasures of the flesh. Yet she had been a virgin when they coupled. She had bled, and she had gasped upon his entrance. Although he had never deflowered a virgin before, he was very experienced in the act itself, and he had felt the difference, a slight hesitation, when he entered her for the first time.

So how could a virgin learn about such acts? Her two cousins, both of whom she was very close to, had recently married. They could have told her everything.

Or she could have learned it from this type of literature. Underground papers were more common than the average person might realize. Being in the printing and publishing business, Evan had come across his share of them. None, of course, that had been printed at his own house but for this one.

His guts twisted again. And he had sent her outside to be mauled by John Brooks.

He willed his stomach to settle. Brooks was an honorable man. Evan had no reason to believe he would act improperly. He truly wanted to be free of the albatross around his neck that was Alexandra. Marrying her off was the easiest and best way to accomplish this. So why did the idea make him want to punch every suitor that came near her into oblivion?

He should have resisted her. He shouldn’t have made love to her when they were stranded. He’d fooled himself into thinking that he was only doing it because they were alone, facing starvation, trapped in a foggy storm.

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